Example sentences of "[vb mod] have [verb] with [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His appeal must have met with some response because although some hundreds of people did leave for Fort-de-France , many hundreds more sought refuge in St Pierre itself , flocking in from the surrounding countryside , so that on the morning of 8 May , as many as 30,000 people were probably crowding the town .
2 His way into the sport was typical of the drivers of his generation : not having any money of his own , and his parents being both unwilling and unable to finance a career on which they must have looked with some distaste , Hunt had to start where he could : in the event , with a stripped-down Mini in which he learned the rudiments of the sport .
3 Despite the constant temptation to misuse an artist 's name , there seem to be very few cases where the customer was actually deceived , although this surely must have happened with some pirate or bootleg records .
4 But first you 'll have to deal with this man and woman to satisfy yourself one way or the other about them .
5 Even had he not , he might have supported with more equanimity that defeat .
6 Immediately , Lalage knew just what she could have done with that masterpiece in satin .
7 His hobby is fishing and do-it-yourself things and he 'll just go out and buy the tools and I think , ‘ Oh that money , what I could have done with that money ! ’
8 In the third division Hereford could have done with some luck … they went down at home …
9 In the third division Hereford could have done with some luck … they went down at home …
10 I think we sho we could have done with some time to look at it really .
11 Luke could have done with more help , but Umberto had barricaded himself into the tack room with another bottle .
12 The three-times world champion has a good tale to tell and , while the format could have done with more meat on the bones , this volume certainly does not pull any punches .
13 I think Teresa felt very much as well that she could have done with more training on target setting and things like that .
14 ‘ I do not see what Sid could have to do with this affair , ’ said Auguste , illogically shocked .
15 The banks themselves are under stress , and so are the public institutions that would have to deal with any banking breakdown .
16 So most of the electrons and antielectrons would have annihilated with each other to produce more photons , leaving only a few electrons left over .
17 We will never know what Palin would have done with this part because Lindsay returned and Palin graciously stood down .
18 Dalgliesh knew that no politician would have talked with such freedom unless he had had absolute confidence in his listener 's discretion .
19 John McLeish , seated at the other side of a table from Commander Stevenson , would have agreed with this judgement .
20 Sir Gordon Slynn , the UK judge at the European Court , warned that the government would have to comply with any order to halt work , if confirmed by the Court .
21 Their one hundred and fifty ton heavy life crane would have coped with that job easily enough but I hastily declined his offer which , apart from any other consideration would have placed me at a slight disadvantage .
22 I shall have to deal with that girl , but now I understand … ’
23 However , as we shall have to live with each other for the next few months in an electioneering atmosphere , I refer hon. Members to ’ Erskine May ’ on moderation in language .
24 The Labour party will have to deal with that issue .
25 Those of you who have registered as members of the network will have received with this second issue of the Bulletin a list of other who have also registered .
26 He added : " We will have to live with this tragedy painfully , but of course not in despair . "
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