Example sentences of "[vb mod] have [verb] [noun] from the " in BNC.

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1 The WRU could have been diplomatic and should have consulted officials from the clubs concerned after the last 16 matches to see what they wanted instead .
2 Furthermore there is no qualifying period during which the applicant must have received maintenance from the deceased .
3 The Indians , it is surmised , must have had help from the Chinese .
4 And he 'll have collected food from the airport . ’
5 ‘ We 'll have to get permission from the families .
6 Instead she or he could have used material from the question to begin the essay with a generalisation ( see above , Chapter 3 , p. 66 ) , like this : Titles often serve the purpose of focusing attention on a central symbol ; and this is certainly true of " The Captain 's Doll " .
7 The conclusion is that perhaps the Magharba , in the month or two before the report appeared , may have demanded bloodwealth from the government , or ( only slightly less plausible ) from the al-Qadhadhfa — the tribe to the east of Sirte , providing the command of the garrison there .
8 We may have to await reports from the British Association and the Royal Society of Arts , the Engineering Fellowship and other bodies before the necessary sea change occurs .
9 Driftwood has had potentially harmful substances leached out already , but may have acquired salt from the sea and this must be soaked out with freshwater .
10 In London , the GLC Historic Buildings Section used to have delegated powers from the Secretary of State .
11 I wondered whether I would have to teach Joe from the beginning , so I asked , ‘ How do you write Gargery , Joe ? ’
12 Laurence O'Toole , another member of the ad hoc committee , dismissed the meetings and press conference as a ‘ slick piece of public relations ’ but said he would have believed assurances from the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science ( BSSRS ) .
13 Penny would have known more wives from the Agency and from the Bureau than she would have met wives from the Service .
14 In July 1989 it was reported that Rotumans wanting to leave the island , 400 km north of Suva , would have to seek permission from the island 's authorities .
15 That man was John Furie Zacharias , known universally as Gentle , and he had a reputation as a lover that would have driven Estabrook from the field had that strange certainty not been upon him .
16 It froze again that night and everybody guessed that by morning his twisted icy body with its pathetic malformation was lying at the bottom of some gulley , where he would have taken cover from the snow and the wind .
17 Employers wishing to hire foreigners would have to have permission from the local labour exchange , if they wished to avoid paying twice the value of the wage into the employment fund .
18 He would have deducted £200 from the dependency for the accelerated receipt of £10,000 from the deceased 's estate , but would have added £500 for the incidence of taxation .
19 They will have to ask permission from the match umpires before they can use their fingers to scratch mud from the surface of the ball .
20 It will have received monies from the disposal of trust capital on the purchase of its own shares but the proceeds which will be treated as distributions for tax purposes ( dividends ) will have borne ACT and would potentially carry with them a credit .
21 Guardians will have to seek approval from the panel before instructing a solicitor in this situation .
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