Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [v-ing] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The beginner should be looking at an initial purchase of one sail to allow them to learn in light winds of up to force two .
2 ‘ I know it is only a discussion paper , ’ Mr Brenan said , ‘ but there are serious concerns about these matters , and , in my opinion , it is a clear pointer to the stance we should be taking from an ethical viewpoint . ’
3 For net investment to increase , demand must be increasing at an increasing rate .
4 He glanced over his shoulder and Snodgrass , who loved gossip , glanced over his as well , because you never knew who might be listening in an enchanted castle .
5 So we might be looking for an ornamental dagger , then ? ’
6 Together , the observations outlined above raise the possibility that gastrin might be acting as an autocrine growth factor in some colorectal cancers .
7 He 'll be returning to an empty fairground of deserted stalls , with only the faint remembered echo of the music that he 's been ignoring .
8 The results raise fears that the thinning ozone layer , and consequent increase in ultra-violet ( uvB ) radiation , may be leading to an alarming rise in skin cancer .
9 Each aircraft will be acting as an extra set of eyes for the other in an attempt to see before being seen .
10 Tory MPs and the City will be looking for an early cut in interest rates to stimulate recovery .
11 If there is , they will be looking for an early signal that their franchise will be renewed .
12 The three candidates will be speaking at an open meeting arranged by the Christian Election Forum , on Sunday at 8pm , in Stockton parish church .
13 It adds up to quite an incentive for the ‘ King of the Park ’ Kenny McKinstry who will be bidding for an unprecedented sixth victory this year , and a second in a row in his Kaliber Subaru Legacy .
14 In most cases the reasonable answer will be along the lines that those people who give information for the survey will be contributing to an overall study , the results of which will be useful for a better understanding by everyone of the general problem and will also particularly help specialists who might be interested in ( in this case ) the housewife 's day .
15 If the date for returning to work continues to slip for no apparent reason the claimant should be advised that we will be arranging for an independent examination .
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