Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We agree with Bremner et al and with Spechler and Goyal et al , who stated that the established Barrett 's oesophagus represents the true cases and that ‘ creeping substitute ’ or developing Barrett 's oesophagus should be carefully followed up in order to determine the progression or not of these lesions .
2 Regulation should require that the rate and amount of any commission should be clearly set out in the credit agreement which the customer signs .
3 Setting of fees is the responsibility of the client partner and should be clearly set out in any engagement letter .
4 The news came as British Olympic chiefs demanded that confusion over the status of clenbuterol the drug at the centre of the controversy should be quickly cleared up by their international counterparts .
5 Screening for Cryptosporidium should be routinely carried out in such children .
6 Many of the decisions in this regard will be taken annually by the partners : where departures from the general rules are agreed , they should be promptly set down in writing and signed by all partners .
7 Then gradually raise the temperature from the normal 78–80°s ; F to about 85°s ; F. This temperature should be gradually reduced back to normal after spawning .
8 The herb beds should be lightly dug over with a fork , weeded if necessary , and the invasive plants chopped back at the roots .
9 These must be clearly thought through at the outset .
10 These must be clearly thought through at the outset .
11 All aspects of the fee structure must be clearly set out in the engagement letter .
12 Any further specifications must be specifically set out in the relevant order .
13 You may be written off as a malingerer or a neurotic or , perhaps even worse , as someone who must be gently humoured back to health .
14 Hence Adorno 's demands on the use of a single stylistic principle — such as Picasso 's cubism or Schoenberg 's twelve-tone music — whose implications and permutations must be consistently worked through in order to achieve ‘ aesthetic rationality ’ ( Bürger 1984–5 , p. 127 ) .
15 ‘ This is one of the Australian birds ’ , noted Gould in his Handbook , ‘ which particularly attracted the notice of the earlier voyagers to that country , by nearly every one of whom it is mentioned as being very plentiful on all the islands in Bass 's Straits , and so tame that it might be easily knocked down with sticks or even captured by hand ; during my sojourn in the country I visited many of the localities above mentioned , and found that , so far from being still numerous , it is almost extirpated ; I killed a pair on Isabella Island , one of a small group near Flinder 's Island , on the 12th January 1839 . ’
16 Consultants are to be appointed shortly to examine its role as an executive agency and to consider how its work might be best carried out in the future .
17 In theory , new commercial catch quotas could be set at next year 's meeting in Tokyo under a " revised management procedure " ( RMP ) , although any such decision might be so hedged around with qualifications as to make it impossible to fulfil .
18 It was just on a minute on page seventy-nine , I think we want to get the support of local M Ps , one a has I think , has been just indicated , is contradictory , it might be better to say , ‘ although the document indicated that local authorities would be expected to undertake extra , an extra , or extra duties , the resources needed are , no indication was given of how there would be extra resources , or something like that , you see it 's contradictory at the moment , it says there 's no indication of the role , and then says that they would need resources , and actually if you look through the document , you will see from time-to-time it is indicated what local authorities are expected to do , for instance recycling of litter and the lot , and I think that that might be actually picked up by M P's and say , ‘ Well , what actually have you , do you mean to say ’ , well , what we 're really saying , are we not , that here is an indication of things that we 're expected to do , but as usual , of course , the government has n't indicated what erm where the resources were coming from .
19 Probably she 'll be so wrapped up in it she 'll feel differently . ’
20 ‘ The sandwiches 'll be all curled up at the edges , ’ his mum complained .
21 Substances which are required nutrients , micro-nutrients , copper and zinc are required as micro-nutrients by plant cells for example , would show distributions like this de decreased levels in surface waters where er in the photic zone biological activity is high they 'll be continually stripped out of the water column there in the concentrations then increase as biological activity decreases and then becomes constant with depth .
22 Whatever you decide , you 'll be suitably bowled over by the excellent quality however much you 're paying .
23 After a heart-stopping few minutes it was realized that it could be just squeezed through with about three-quarters of an inch to spare .
24 The bed/storage area could be neatly screened off with matchstick blinds .
25 Alternatively , the marzipan could be simply rolled out into a large area and transferred to the cake in one piece .
26 About the exchange of bird species between closely adjacent islands Wallace noted : ‘ Birds offer us one of the best means of determining the law of distribution ; for though at first sight it would appear that the watery boundaries that kept out the land quadrupeds could be easily passed over by birds , yet practically it is not so ; for if we leave out the aquatic tribes ( seabirds ) which are preeminently wanderers , it is found that the others ( and especially the passeres , or perching birds , which form the vast majority ) are often as strictly limited by straits and arms of the sea as are quadrupeds themselves . ’
27 At the time he reached his last book , Human Knowledge , he had abandoned the claim that you could show that the world could be logically constructed out of sense experiences , and adopted a much more Kantian outlook , in which , while he erm said that all our inferences about the world must begin from sense experiences , all that the philosopher can do , is to make explicit the premises that are required in order to infer from the transitory data of my own experiences to the enduring existence of material things and the much more sophisticated kinds of existence which their minute constituents have .
28 As this review of change in Europe and the USA has shown , there were a number of important experiments in the 1940s and 1950s which , coincident with the development of mood-stabilizing drugs , suggested that a significant number of long-term patients could be successfully boarded out in the community .
29 George Stephen remembered how as a youth he heard ‘ many a semi-domestic debate as to the extent to which parliamentary manoeuvring could be successfully carried out with the ministerial benches ’ .
30 Unlike stage-coaches , which could be readily held up by brigands in remoter regions , railways were immune from the start — except in the American West — even in notoriously unsafe areas such as Spain and the Balkans .
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