Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] [prep] [pos pn] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As Hamilton points out , ‘ very little attention is paid to the conflicts of interest between groups which may relate to their structural position either in an organization or in the wider society ’ ( Hamilton 1980 , p. 49 ) .
2 This is more likely when , for example , the difficulties concern the general aspects of a relationship , or non-specific dissatisfaction a person may experience with his current lifestyle .
3 Otis Ferguson was aware that the film depicted a ‘ phony strike ’ and that there was no real analysis of labour-management problems but he still felt that it had ‘ this air of life whatever we may think of its social content ’ .
4 We ask that they may know of your daily provision of all kinds of needs , and especially for Rob 's studies , that he may be able to learn and think with Your mind at all times .
5 PATHOLOGIST , seeking improvement to his department , at staff committee : ‘ We must think of our public image .
6 You should browse in your local art shop .
7 He must persist with his present course .
8 You can use more glue than normal as the picture will not be displayed , and it is essential that the flowers should remain in their exact position .
9 Besides the technical rarity and interest of this work , one must comment upon its aesthetic resemblance to the art of Rembrandt and recall that they were contemporaries .
10 This is not surprising , as the Norwood Report in 1943 stressed the importance of relating boys ' education to the labour market , but emphasised that girls ' schooling must relate to their eventual place in the family .
11 Each must relate to its mating part to provide the overall function .
12 The acceptance of such a scheme meant that the government had accepted , albeit for economic and demographic reasons , the principle that ‘ society should include in its economic structure some form of direct financial provision for the maintenance of children , instead of proceeding on the assumption that , save in cases of exceptional misfortune , this is a matter which concerns only individual parents and should be left to them because normally men 's wages or salaries are , or ought to be and can be made to be , sufficient for the support of their families ’ ( Rathbone , 1940 ) .
13 Another item the retailer must include in his financial planning is shrinkage or leakage .
14 Notwithstanding their competition and confrontation , both capitalist and socialist countries were coming to appreciate that they lived in an ‘ interdependent , in many ways integral world ’ in which they must cooperate for their common benefit .
15 I do n't have to ask you what I should do in my spare time , and — and I suppose now you wo n't want to help me find my mother , and that 's all right with me , I do n't care ! ’
16 Ideally , we would like just these settings Sk to appear , and no others ; and each should appear with its natural frequency Fk .
17 Eismark said he felt guilty because his first marriage had never ended , he said it could never end — das wird nie vorüber sein — and it would always be a secret he must keep from his new wife .
18 Thus if the acoustic-phonetic rules and the accompanying normalization procedures work perfectly , lexical access should work at its maximal efficiency .
19 Sylvia Plath once said that a story should begin with your main character up a ( metaphorical ) apple tree being pelted by someone — and then you deal with the problems arising .
20 One must look to their domestic policy dilemmas for more serious impediments to growth .
21 Peter Lilley , in the absence of anything new , believed the Government should stick to its familiar policy .
22 I think you should stick to your original plan when you dispose of your property . ’
23 It is at this point you should decide on your future involvement .
24 Finally the determination of the " essence " or " substance " of relationship must depend on its factual context .
25 There is a small matter which I should draw to my hon. Friend 's attention .
26 Top athletes , but not the general public , should exercise at their maximum heart rate level for at least 20 to 60 minutes each session .
27 Because the additional quantity of products which must flow into our heavy industry has to be taken from outside , not from within the sphere of heavy industry itself , which is in the hands of the workers ' state , but from elsewhere , from other external sources , whatever the price we have to pay .
28 Of course , the fewer calories the body uses from food the more it must draw from your surplus body fat , so this adds up to faster weight loss .
29 There is obviously no a priori objection to such a procedure , and it would be naive to insist that a social theory must accord with our intuitive understanding of the social world any more than physical theory must .
30 In theory , the model should rotate about its vertical axis until the control is released and then stop .
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