Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] [adv] [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout most of those countries the universal view is that Britain should do more to enhance its reputation through the fund .
2 He must sleep out to test his gear
3 If at any time you should decide not to pursue your interest in [ name ] or upon request by [ selling agent ] or any one of the shareholders you will return promptly all material ( including any copies thereof ) received from [ selling agent ] or the shareholders , or any of their representatives .
4 Meanwhile , he decided , slackening his pace as the distance between Dotty 's and his own breathless form increased , he must set about persuading his mother that a little kid would be very useful for keeping Tullivers ' grass down .
5 I should have just put my foot down and knocked him over .
6 Nashville Skyline was one of the albums he put out after his motorcycle accident , from which the critics concluded that he must have somehow injured his brain
7 But that calculation had gone up in smoke with the original letter , and since then she must have bitterly regretted her rashness .
8 ‘ It must have nearly killed his father .
9 The mercurial Dean must have later softened his contempt for Duck since both he and Pope subscribed to the 1736 edition of Duck 's poems .
10 The time flew and at three o'clock Madame Delon rose , saying that she must leave now to catch her bus .
11 Should it be , ‘ Has it authority in all matters ? ’ , or should one ask a separate question regarding its authority in matters of taxation , or perhaps one should inquire separately concerning its authority in matters of corporate taxation and personal taxation ?
12 December 7 , 1786 : I am in a fair way of becoming as eminent as Thomas a Kempis or John Bunyan , and you may expect henceforth to see my birthday inserted among the wonderful events in the Poor Robin 's and Aberdeen Almanacks , along with the black Monday and the battle of Bothwell Bridge .
13 In a time of severe agricultural depression , for example , the landlord might do better to allow his tenant farmers to go into arrears rather than exercise his legal rights , in the hope that over time things would balance out .
14 If so , you 'll have probably booked your place in a hall of residence , your grant will arrive on the first day of term , you 'll be ready to enjoy Freshers ' Fair and soon settle down to studies in the library .
15 That was one thing about the village , and your your neighbour would where Jane is the now , I do n't think she 'll have hardly seen her neighbour in Dumfries , but here they were always you know
16 diet and you 'll end up having his dinner .
17 ‘ I think Madeleine might end up breaking his heart . ’
18 A copy of these is included in Appendix 3 , but we may note that they include a statement of aims and objectives , a list of members of the Coordinating Team , a structure for the school 's policy proposal ( including a spending plan ) , some notes on how schools might go about developing their proposal and certain limits within which the money must be spent .
19 I felt sure that if Mr Reed had lived he would have treated me kindly , and now , as I looked round at the dark furniture and the walls in shadow , I began to fear that his ghost might come back to punish his wife for not keeping her promise .
20 ‘ When he 'll regret ever leaving his castle .
21 It was Mary Donovan who suggested that Eileen 's younger brother might slip in to see his nephew before he left for America .
22 I imagine you 'd prefer not to put your head back — er — in the lion 's den just at the moment ! ’
23 ‘ You 'd do better to ask your gamekeeper , ’ he said .
24 ‘ I 'd love to splash out on lovely bits of lacy stuff , but I 'd do better spending my money on a deep-fat fryer for all the notice my other half would take .
25 She was so weary that it was all she could do not to put her head down on the table and close her eyes .
26 His eyes narrowed on her pale , proud face as she backed away from him , her heart beating so rapidly that it was all she could do not to betray her agitation by raising her hands to calm it .
27 Once rescheduling had been agreed in 1987 , Brazil could do more to capitalise its debt ; that is to get creditors to exchange claims for interest and repayment on past loans for direct investments of some kind in the country .
28 It 's an eight-way-scrolling arcade extravaganza with graphics and sound I could have cheerfully shot my grandmother for .
29 A drop of over an ounce for a bird Dawn 's size could have seriously damaged her health , and , therefore , her ability to fly .
30 She knew that he had been Eddie 's best friend — that was why she 'd always found it so hard to accept that he could have deliberately driven her brother off the track .
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