Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] [pron] [adv] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But , insurers point out , this may make them less able to compete against other financial institutions .
2 Even in the case of a willing witness , considerations of cost and convenience may make it very desirable to avoid the requirement of attendance .
3 But this clarity may make it more difficult to play off political demands against each other , and to handle the conflicting and diffuse political pressures that inevitably persist .
4 Perhaps the social science historian needs more contextual information because the passage of time may make it more difficult to make assumptions about what data signify , but this is surely only a question of degree .
5 It is an aspect of privacy we should take more seriously ; it may seem a frail distinction to draw when armed police can batter down your front door on suspicion that a wanted person may be inside , but at least it gives the possibility of some redress , and may make it more difficult to achieve the total surveillance of society .
6 Understanding general differences between spelling and speaking may help you to improve your own spelling , and may make it more interesting to focus on spelling as an issue in your writing .
7 Your employer may consider it more cost-effective to retain junior employees who are paid less than you .
8 Every experience we have should make us better able to cope in the future .
9 Deutsche Aerospace 's size should make it better able to compete in European and international aerospace projects .
10 For an informal agreement to be effective , both parties must regard it as worthwhile to stick to their part of it , even though the agreement may not be legally enforceable .
11 But he winced at that , and she thought , this has nothing to do with ego , and continued , ‘ I 'm thinking that really the big difference is that it must make it more difficult to handle things .
12 I should think its quite hard to get into it
13 This is helping many people see that RE should have something more distinctive to contribute to the values education of pupils than what can happen within the teaching of other subjects .
14 How ironic that it should take me so long to know how I feel about a man and then in that same moment realise that he really is the bastard I first took him for !
15 They did n't a actually I must admit nothing very sexy happened at all .
16 A lot of the time it is difficult to know what horses have in mind , and they must find us equally frustrating to understand .
17 His visits were regarded as occasions for embarrassment rather than pleasure or consolation , and he was left wondering why , when his motives were generous , these people should find it so difficult to respond with a matching warmth .
18 Abbreviations : If you regularly have to take notes about the same subject , you should find it quite easy to develop your own abbreviations which will make you able to take those notes even more quickly .
19 Larger employers will have a cycle of recruitment with targets set in advance , so they should find it comparatively easy to allocate a specific number of jobs to Compact .
20 However , lesbians are more likely than men to feel ambivalent about their own bodies and may feel it especially difficult to desire a fat woman who embodies their own fears .
21 Since this sentence explains the context for what precedes , we might think it more natural to place it ( deprived of the connecting words " And then " ) at the beginning of the paragraph .
22 Which might make it more difficult to teach .
23 But the scale of the buy-outs might make it more difficult to maintain that position .
24 Nevertheless , is my hon. Friend the Minister not concerned about the growth in size of housing associations , which might make it more difficult to maintain the personal contact with tenants which is an important aspect of good housing management ?
25 He admitted that the ending of PRT rebates might make it more costly to drill wells confirming the size of the field , but added : ‘ We look at the production side rather than exploration and we also look at how much it costs the Government . ’
26 Having tried out these various methods you might consider them too time-consuming to use for large areas but they are so attractive that they can be put to good use as trimmings .
27 This silence has a sub-text when accompanied by a slightly smug buttoned-up look , implying subtly that if one were only free to utter , one might have something very interesting to say .
28 The US embassy even suggested that a Conservative government might find it more difficult to keep public protest within bounds .
29 There are situations where the reciprocal of a rate would make more sense than the original rate : ergonomists , for example , might find it more natural to look at the time it takes a person to produce a fixed number of items rather than at the output a person produces from a machine in a fixed period of time .
30 Luke Hunter might find it quite natural to have people fussing over him — presumably , with his wealth , it was something he 'd have to get used to .
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