Example sentences of "[vb mod] [not/n't] be [vb pp] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nasser must not be turned into a hero and gratuitously accorded the leading role in the Middle East .
2 Recorded delivery packets must not be dropped into a letter box .
3 He must not be drawn into the sphere of those responsible for preventing accidents , for this would prejudice his independence and impartiality in the investigation of any subsequent accident .
4 In fact the local psychiatrists shared a firm conviction that the older generation of the long-stay population should not be moved into the community .
5 The world-affirming person should not be forced into a world-renouncing spirituality , nor someone who is basically a thinker into an affective spirituality .
6 The big tobacco companies , which offered financial support , caused some embarrassment by suggesting that anti-smoking campaigns should not be brought into the classroom .
7 It is clearly essential that smoke should not be sucked into the accommodation through the ventilation intakes .
8 Indeed , each man refused it with some indignation ; Kissinger in particular thought it outrageous that such an old friend and ally as the Shah should not be allowed into the States .
9 Notes can be made at this stage and possibly some rough diagrams drawn which may or may not be incorporated into the final document .
10 They realised that the activity could not be subsumed into a set of procedures which would be valid in every case — " the rationale for the teaching of reading is always in evolution for the teacher . "
11 This meant that characters acquired by the adult body could not be incorporated into the germ plasm and could not be inherited .
12 The very shrillness with which bourgeois civilisation insisted that woman was essentially a spiritual being implied both that men were not , and that the obvious physical attraction between the sexes could not be fitted into the system of values .
13 To be more precise : the active working-class militant or potential leader must be by definition an ‘ agitator ’ , since he could not be fitted into the stereotype of obedience , dullness and stupidity .
14 Mr MacGregor 's expected announcement of the route of a railway between London and the Channel Tunnel has been postponed because it could not be fitted into the parliamentary timetable yesterday .
15 In fact it is arguable whether such dualistic conditions ever existed anyway : marginal groups which could not be assimilated into the category of the working class were merely relegated by Marx to the Lumpenproletariat .
16 There can therefore be built into the design of this channel features that could not be built into a permanent method .
17 Hence the weedkiller train could not be put into the loop and had to remain on the main line , being put right up to the buffer stop because a passenger train was due .
18 After potential topics were tentatively divided into meanings and non-meanings , it soon became clear that meanings could not be included into the range of possible existents .
19 And in a way this answer , like the first , was astonishingly appropriate , brandishing a secret truth and a paradox before a man who would have appreciated it to the full , but could not be let into the secret .
20 PostScript could n't be built into the Macintosh , it was too late for that , so the interpreter had to go into the printer , now called the LaserWriter .
21 The 355mm ( 14in ) twin plate unit that came with the gearbox could n't be fitted into the space available , so Mr Tomlinson had to write a cheque for £800 to buy a special Case IH single plate unit .
22 Although Aquino gave assurances that the Kabisig would not be turned into a political party , the leadership of the LDP treated the new movement with great suspicion , believing that it represented an independent vehicle which could be used by Aquino to run her own favoured candidates in the 1992 elections .
23 Fletcher said he had spoken to Graham Gooch during the past week but that Gooch was still insistent that he would not be rushed into a decision about the England captaincy .
24 The new French Agriculture and Forestry Minister , Louis Mermaz , said that France would not be pushed into an accord even if it meant extending the December deadline for completing the GATT talks .
25 The advantage was Italy 's ; unless France was involved , she would not be pulled into a conflict with Russia ; she obtained a special declaration that the treaty was not directed against England ; finally , the association proved that Italy was a great power .
26 There was no question of his approaching the father directly as a man such as Huy would not be allowed into the palace compound ; but Taheb was a rich businesswoman , and if she did not have any personal knowledge of the family , she would have contacts who would .
27 Mixed institutions , the greater part of which were used for other than hospital purposes , were to remain with the local authority and would not be taken into the National Health Service .
28 However , it was made clear that Cuba would not be admitted into the San José Pact , whereby Mexico and Venezuela sold oil on favourable rates to central American and some Caribbean states .
29 He knew that he was going to have to give himself one night 's sleep at least , one night when he would n't be bent into the back of a freezing car or upright on a chair .
30 There 's nothing , it seems , that ca n't be turned into a salad as long as it is properly dressed .
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