Example sentences of "[vb mod] [not/n't] [be] [verb] [subord] of " in BNC.

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1 In 1976 , after hearing from experts on both sides , a court in Freiburg decided that the Wyhl plant should not be built because of the risk of a serious accident .
2 Two of the three patients who were found to have coeliac disease were over 70 years old suggesting that this diagnosis should not be dismissed because of the patients age when iron deficiency is being investigated .
3 Anger , which may not be expressed because of personality factors , such as excessive control , or fear of the consequences .
4 It is true that many of the experiments in this area were grossly inadequate in method : they failed to ensure that the individuals they studied were similar , apart from the single factor being scrutinized ; they relied unduly on mothers ' memories for information about early events ; their various findings could not be compared because of disagreement about what should be counted as ‘ early weaning ’ or ‘ harsh training ’ , and so on .
5 The CFE treaty as originally signed in Paris in November 1990 [ see pp. 37838-39 ] could not be implemented because of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and consequent disagreements among the successor states .
6 Union leaders protested that while wages had been frozen at a low level , a freeze on prices could not be maintained because of the lack of government inspectors — a fear endorsed by Collor 's television appeal of Feb. 3 asking the general public to be watchdogs against price rises .
7 Gastric juice may be a significant source for the daily loss of iron since it is present in gastric juice at about 3.5 µM , but correlation with gastric acidity or comparison between normal and ulcer patients could not be undertaken because of contamination .
8 Does my hon. Friend agree that it would be regrettable if the objectives of local school management could not be met because of inadequate funding ?
9 The actual number of IgG producing cells per mucosal length unit could not be quantified because of problems with the sample orientation .
10 The disagreement could not be remedied because of the American commitment to the rightists controlling the RDC , who were hostile to trusteeship .
11 The primate centre received requests for 300 macaques and 14 chimpanzees , many of which could not be supplied because of a policy that it should be primarily a supplier for TNO institutes .
12 This clay could not be reclaimed because of contamination and the waste and mess did not help in the integration of TNT principles .
13 It could not be published because of MAIB regulations .
14 But Malcolm Gourlay , BRINDEX 's chairman , said most new fields would be too small to benefit and would not be developed because of the adverse impact of withdrawing PRT relief on the cost of exploration wells .
15 During the budget debate , Mitchell spoke for 10 hours and Jones for five , leading the Prime Minister to announce that time limits would be applied in future debates and the live broadcasting experiment would not be repeated because of opposition filibustering .
16 ADT , the race organisers , said last night that the race route would not be altered because of the blast .
17 Water quality would not be improved because of the extra load on the system , which defeats the object .
18 It is also argued that a lender of last resort would not be needed because of the ability of banks to issue their own notes backed up by their deposit base ( Dowd 1990 ) .
19 Although money may be available for firms to borrow and interest rates may be low , investment will not be increased because of pessimistic expectations .
20 The hon. Member for Lancaster will be interested to hear that it says that the national curriculum will not be delivered because of the difficulty —
21 But there is no reason why the doctrine of justice actually reflected by the constitutional arrangements of a state may not be reached as a result of people realizing that their different ideals of the good , each leading to a different doctrine of justice , can not be implemented because of the widespread disagreement in society concerning their value .
22 Obviously there may be circumstances in which the normal procedure of application and issue can not be followed because of the urgency of the matter and a procedure exists for obtaining an emergency representation certificate in such cases .
23 The present position is one in which the Treaty of Maastricht can not be ratified because of the Danish veto .
24 A 16-year-old and a youth aged 17 , also from Ely , are juveniles and can not be named because of an order by magistrates .
25 Once he 's harvested the wheat crop , there 's still the beans , which can not be cut because of the rain .
26 Most girls born 70 and more years ago can not be traced because of change of name at marriage .
27 Provision is also made for payment when the bonus can not be earned because of circumstances outside the workers ' control .
28 This is somewhat ironic when it is realized that local government has substantial resources that can not be used because of centrally-imposed prescriptions .
29 The group 's present offices were intended as a temporary base before staff moved into better premises which can not be used because of fire damage .
30 Neil Davidson , counsel for the Deans , said they denied allegations levelled at them by the shareholders , many of which can not be reported because of restrictions imposed by Lord Cullen .
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