Example sentences of "[vb mod] [prep] be a [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well it must of been a turbo turbo thrust
2 Could of been a cataract operation , should of been
3 For the man who owns this land , watching what used to be a wheat field turned into a race track has been an eye opener … although he 's well aware of the problems the sport can cause .
4 And there used to be a rub board .
5 There used to be a Circuit bicycle , kept in Thomas Street , for the use of visiting Edgehill students down to preach in the country churches .
6 It 's not only the alcohol that 's suffered from self-enforced cutbacks : the Franks ( ironically enough ) used to be a Martini band — any gig , any town , any night , they 'd pack their guitars and socks and head off into the Tranzophobic sunset , until exhaustion fully reared its head and the heart decided that home was definitely the place to be .
7 He used to be a crane driver dear for , yeah he used and I 've got to , one of me sons now is a foreman for , well they 're not now it 's , it 's sort of amal amalgamated with another firm now I think , but he does , he does erm , he 's a foreman like now , he used to be a truck , crane driver and my , the very night that my hubby died on the following Monday he would of been working in Harlow , he got a new crane to take over in Harlow and he 'd been working away from home for weeks and months of the year always away , coming home weekends and I used to have to cook and do his washing and pack him up for going off again Monday morning early , but he never was near home working then , and as I say the night before he went he was , he was gon na work on the Monday to in Old , to Harlow down where the new er place was for and it unfortunately cos he went .
8 The tall 21-year-old striker used to be a Bangor favourite himself .
9 THE husband of a heavily-pregnant woman found hanging in a garage told one of her friends that he used to be a backing guitarist for Eric Clapton , a court heard yesterday .
10 Jane used to be a girl guide and gained her Baden Powell Trefoil .
11 Well they usually out out of the er hydrant on the quay cos the hydrant on the quay there used to be a water main a the water main used to go along there and we used to put so much water into the boat and now we come down and used to pump that out and then go back after some more .
12 ( Spencer Shops used to be a railroad maintenance / classification facility owned by Southern Railway ) .
13 He 's got very he 's very sensitive cells in his nose because , cos a dog used to be a hunting dog , and goes back to being a wolf , they used to track their prey to eat so they 've still got that ability and we have n't , but a dog has , it can smell .
14 always used to be a half term 's work .
15 Well it used to be a clothes shop but what you used to call a pawn shop in them days as well .
16 He used to be a Keeper years ago , though he never worked in the Cages or with any of the birds , but now he 's just the Sweeper .
17 I I was er I used to be a kitchen maid .
18 But this used to be a bicycle shop , the first world war .
19 And way back , you know I used to be a hair stylist myself .
20 Tilson , who 's married and used to be a school cleaner , has n't been seen since the attack 3 weeks ago , and it 's for this reason , police have taken the unsual step of naming him as a suspect .
21 At Harle Syke , just outside the town to the north-east , Queen Street Mill , which used to be a cotton mill , has been preserved by the local council in association with Pennine Heritage , and the building 's steam engine , which powered the looms , remains in situ and in working order .
22 It used to be a holiday resort but this trip will be about keeping troops involved in the aid mission supplied with all they need .
23 ‘ There used to be a Giles Williams column in the Life many years ago .
24 You mean you used to be a museum curator or something ? ’
25 Well there used to be a dressing rooms on erm on Road there .
26 Before it got burnt and that there used to be a dressing rooms there .
27 ‘ Yeah , Steve said you used to be a university lecturer . ’
28 Which Labour MP used to be a Tiller Girl ?
29 Erm I do n't know if if I 'm right in saying , but I think they may have given a tip to other people like er the chore boy , there used to be a chore boy .
30 I used to be a hunt supporter , I used to be a hunt follower I gave up because I object to an attitude of a society of people that life is disposable having seen wounded fox hounds and that is the proper term having seen wounded fox hounds despatched with a revolver because they 've got a broken leg having charged full pelt across a public road and hit a motor car coming the other way and fortunately not injured the occupants of the motor car having seen the damage that a pack of hounds in full cry can do to land that they are not entitled to be upon because fox hounds ca n't read .
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