Example sentences of "[vb mod] [prep] be [prep] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I must of been on holiday dad , with the girls or something .
2 well it might of been on Radio Times , but
3 No she 'd of been to Salvation Army
4 No one with half an eye on current trends is mentioning that his main claim to fame used to be as Susan Sarandon 's toy boy .
5 FINS ai n't what they used to be for Doug Laughton and Graeme Souness
6 So it hardly matters that Connery lives mostly in Marbella , that his residence for tax purposes , used to be on Paradise Island in the Bahamas and is now an apartment in Monte Carlo , although he still has the place in the Bahamas .
7 The electricity cable laying to give 'em a job so you could play for the Ipswich Electric Supply Team and we had a jolly good team , we won the cup for the first three years that it was in being but the finals used to be on Portman Road and course that was in those days a thing to be looked forward to .
8 Well old was , was er absolute er you 'd never think anybody 'd would buy anything out of his shop , er my father went in for something once and he , and he said you can see them hanging up ca n't you , I mean er salesmanship was on unheard of as far as he was concerned they were there , why ask him if he 'd got any , but erm course you must remember I was only a little boy I mean I can remember all this , I took it all in but I would n't say that I knew them er I knew Miss , from the grocer 's shop she was a Sunday School teacher , and er the Sunday School used to be at Road School we used to have a Sunday School there and a Mr used to take this .
9 Within yards of the station , you can catch trout for tea , sup Yorkshire ale , and see how things used to be at Beck Isle Museum of Rural Life .
10 a smallish guy , er , sandy , sandy hair cut short , very stocky , er he used to be up at , he used to be at Glenmore Lodge
11 On The Other Hand used to be with Downpatrick trainer Jeremy Maxwell and is now with National expert Gordon Richards who bought him out of John Mulherne 's yard recently .
12 He used to be with Midland Bank , Edinburgh .
13 Did n't he used to be in scrap metal is what Francis was
14 The offices used to be in West Byfleet in Surrey .
15 I could see the socks inside the trainers — they were Dayglo green , the sort that used to be in fashion years ago — and they kept walking towards me .
16 The commonest example of time-lapse stop-motion used to be in biology films , like the old Rank Secrets of Nature by Mary Field or innumerable educational films for schools from companies like Encyclopaedia Britannica Films .
17 It used to be by shirt no for each game .
18 All God 's fear on earth used to be behind Mrs Tiller .
19 If we are sensible it ought to be against San Marino in February . ’
20 He was n't sure just how worried he ought to be by Therese Aschmann .
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