Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] have [art] small [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Differences of opinion exist among scholars ; sometimes the appearance gives very little to go on — details may have been rubbed off or we may only have a small fragment of a large object to examine ; two or more origins may be possible contenders and it may be impossible to decide which on stylistic grounds alone .
2 At the same time it should be made clear that apart from false assumptions about matriculation , higher education should only have a small contribution to make to the range , standard and appositeness of 16+ and 18+ examination syllabuses and schemes of marking .
3 But women would never be equal , he reflected , pleased to have discovered a new profundity , until the day came when men stopped thinking it natural that their wives should always have the smaller car .
4 Every school should therefore have a small staff library which can be used as a resource by staff and parents .
5 but they 're a bigger size and thicker skinned , I 'd sooner have the smaller ones
6 However , there are those who take the view that , on the day of the actual birthday , they would rather have a smaller celebration with the immediate family .
7 It gives me great pleasure to announce that that would mean Cherwell District Council would have to disappear as well , and that would be another blip off the horizon erm but that what would happen you would therefore have a smaller authority , who would then become the Education Authority , and that would be would have to be , I think , somewhere in between the current District Council size in Cherwell or the Vale , of what about a hundred thousand , and the present county , which is rather more than half a million .
8 By the time it has been adzed out , you will only have a small edge to clean up as well as the underside .
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