Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] [conj] it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The wind must be blowing from them to you , since this not only minimises the noise you may inadvertently make but it prevents your scent blowing towards the rabbits and giving them advance warning that all 's not well .
2 The tenant should nevertheless consider whether it wishes the specified risks to include subsidence , the sprinkler system ( if any ) , aerial devices other than aircraft and impact other than road vehicles , among others .
3 You must always remember that it 's been a fairly small percentage of the frail elderly people who 've actually ever had to go into homes .
4 As an example , whoever feeds the dog should always insist that it sits before placing the bowl down on the ground .
5 We must also remember that it affirms the worth of our partner when we share the things we would not consider prudent to share with others .
6 The hon. Gentleman must also know that it depends how one selects one 's facts and which surveys one looks at .
7 It should also mention that it requires the application of an acquisitions policy which balances the strategic needs of RBGE staff with the longer-term ‘ national heritage ’ aspects included in our statutory objectives .
8 Alright , now if we look at the , the rural instead of the urban wage rate , right , up here alright , now let's just say that it takes that amount of time before this individual gets a job in the urban area , alright , now if we discount alright the erm , the rural , the urban wages right , that 's all this
9 Do n't forget the same with , with take-aways as well , if the signs are the same you get a plus or you get an add , erm so that 's , I mean I can see this is the bit you 're not too happy with , but we 'll just see if it works .
10 One might easily assume that it has always been an important road .
11 for what you 're doing or you might even find that it 's been left in reverse and you go all the way from here to Glasgow in reverse .
12 that 'll then wind and it winds the whole up .
13 A different approach might aim to show that our perception of ourselves as intentional subjects has not always existed , and might then suggest that it arises as a feature of capitalist ideology .
14 If it can not be audited , you 'll never know if it works .
15 I 'd rather have when it comes to safety
16 Congress , before you vote on this motion , I think you should read it carefully and consider er the , what could possibly happen if it 's passed .
17 It may even claim that it has had more complaints of bias from the Labour Party .
18 On average , four years of predominantly animal trials are conducted pre-clinically and may well continue after it has eventually been licensed .
19 De Niro does n't seem particularly keen to discuss his reasons for wanting to run a restaurant , and will only say that it 's been a vague dream of his for a while .
20 I have been assured however , this will only happen if it does n't rain !
21 Improvements are offered by many software houses ; the designer will generally find that it pays to explore all possible optimization techniques for the manufacturers ' software before examining alternatives .
22 Meanwhile , OSF will shortly announce that it has chosen DEC , IBM Corp and Lotus Development Corp to supply new object-based widgets for the Motif graphical user interface .
23 Mr Coats awaits figures for his plan from the Treasury , which will collectively blanch when it sees them .
24 Top : The excitement of a new pond will quickly wane if it turns into a disaster area overnight .
25 I will further suggest that it seems very likely that the traitor is in his own fiefdom , the Pentagon . ’
26 It will also ensure that it has a broad base and that the business rate is decentralised .
27 But chastened ministers will stoutly maintain that it does not affect the treaty .
28 Here oak is useful , because it does n't mind being soaked in water all winter , although it will probably split as it dries out in summer .
29 Private Eye will probably close if it loses its appeal against the award of £600,000 to Sonia Sutcliffe , which was also heard last week .
30 This is how the new Thorp two seat trainer will really look when it goes on sale in the UK in a few weeks ' time .
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