Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [be] [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Since no firm of solicitors can ever afford to retain the services of any employee or partner whose conduct tends to reflect ill on the reputation of the practice , and since the circumstances may rarely be so clear cut as to secure withdrawal from the firm by consent , thorough consideration must be given at the outset to the conditions for expelling partners .
2 Beaverbrook insisted that the volume of traffic must also be under international control ; this Berle vigorously opposed .
3 I should also be under continuing pressure to say that a Committee was considering a particular subject ( and often it would be a GEN group ) ; and there would be questions about when Committees were meeting , the work they were doing , whether particular Ministers are on them , the details of under-pinning Official Committees , etc .
4 Among these must surely be more explicit job descriptions coupled with suitable role titles , and a general recognition of the need for training .
5 Yes , I expect it 'll just be more routine marking time , though .
6 This would n't tell the bat how far away the tree was , but it might still be very useful information , nevertheless .
7 Maybe I 'll try to understand — but I 'll probably be too busy packing .
8 Even if she were to go voluntarily before the next election , that could only be very bad news for him .
9 It may also be that informal support networks are valuable in managing chronic strain .
10 More widely , it may well be that central government usually gets its own way over local government .
11 This is certainly minimalist : in abstracting from stress and alliterative patterning , he loses useful diagnostic devices , and it may well be that higher-level patterning is crucial in determining and explaining how phonological constituents behave metrically .
12 Thus it may well be that French Canadian is derived historically by the addition of an adjectival sufffix to the geographical term French Canada , but it is clear that in the mind of most users the adjective is used to take a subset out of the larger class of things or people Canadian , as shown , for instance , by the general refusal in Canada to use the historically natural opposite term English Canadian otherwise than for those descended from inhabitants of Great Britain and in particular England ( see Orkin , 1971 ) .
13 Erm and i also need to be concerned that the health authority I think is claiming that this merger will actually give them a better erm size population for research purposes for for purchasing , however , I think that it may well be that particular health needs , people in West Essex and Harlow in particular which has , for example , a rapidly ageing population and therefore needs facilities had not been planned into the town by way of health erm , that those statistics , those pockets of need are going to get overlooked in a much more large and vast disparate statistical picture , stretching from Hertfordshire right across to the coast I think it 's too big a sample and we need to make sure that our specific needs are n't going to be overlooked in all that .
14 In Bucharest as in Pyongyang , it may well be that severe repression can in the first instance only be challenged by a well-aimed bullet .
15 In Bucharest as in Pyongyang , it may well be that severe repression can in the first instance only be challenged by a well-aimed bullet .
16 ‘ This would obviously be very bad news for the UK — not only in terms of our leverage , but also in terms of the attraction of the UK as a sound investment plank .
17 Composers sometimes use an attenuated form of this cluster effect to obscure what would otherwise be perfectly normal chord sequences .
18 They clearly hope the Greens will respond , at least in those key constituencies where Socialist leaders like Michel Rocard and Lionel Jospin would otherwise be under serious threat .
19 There it will only be 6pm local time , but thanks to Indiana 's all-electronic system , votes will be tallied on a running basis throughout the day .
20 This means it will be difficult to implement servers or distributed applications with a high-level of security or be compatible with systems that do and there will only be very limited interoperability between NT and DCE applications .
21 Should this well-behaved and well-intentioned parliament fail , then its failure will merely be infinitely depressing vindication of the theory that Russia — and a fortiori the Soviet Union — can only be ruled by a rod of iron .
22 This will ultimately ensure that , without further intervention , there will also be more uniform provision in the primary schools .
23 One of these is that there will inevitably be widely different reading speeds .
24 The discovery of a coin of Caligula will therefore be quite good evidence for its loss during his short reign ( AD 37–41 ) .
25 FRENCH men , proud of their prowess as lovers , may actually be all hot air , according to a study by the National Demographic Studies Institute .
26 FRENCH men , proud of their prowess as lovers , may actually be all hot air , according to a study by the National Demographic Studies Institute .
27 Getting some information on our actions and the effect we have on other people can also be very useful feedback .
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