Example sentences of "[vb mod] [pers pn] just [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Might I just ask one question before you go ? ’
2 might I just say this darling cos I 've just remembered , I 'll forget senile you see ?
3 Could I just make one suggestion that it 's made within the next six months as well .
4 Could I just make one final
5 Before you pass on that could I just ask one question , which is how far are B T with it ?
6 Chairman could I just have one final
7 I mean , come on , but I do understand that some of you were briefed or , or Do n't worry about this now , but we would like this briefing questionnaire back before you leave on Wednesday , er , if you were a late replacement , could you just make that plain on there , er , if you were n't briefed , you 've got the shortest questionnaire in the world to fill in .
8 Yeah I know , er what , shall I just get ordinary buns ?
9 Shall I just pop that back out ?
10 Can I just mention that time is getting on and the Parish Council still has n't discussed this
11 Well this is where Michael is a he would rather , I mean when I say to him can I just do some work on you calc I say , no , cos you are not doing any work , the calculator 's doing the work .
12 Erm can I just clarify this point , the impression I 'm getting from the , from the phraseology in the way you 've chosen your words is that your trustees in your particular pension funds which all er former nationalised industries , er have n't received any training .
13 Can I just make one point ?
14 Can I just make one point er all the footpaths need rain so it might just be
15 Can I just make one point Ken , cos you were saying they 're getting thirty odd million of er of a request of two hundred million .
16 Erm can I just make one comment on , on that last contribution .
17 Can I just make one suggestion , sorry , and that is er , in four point nine , where you 've got your formal commissioning letter er , you put down order form or contract .
18 You should have them in your diaries but as we have such a full complement this evening , can I just draw those attention er to your attention .
19 Can I , can I just ask one thing if we 've finished
20 Can I just ask one thing , a another thing about the time you were living in , erm did you as a woman know anything about contraception ?
21 Can I just ask one thing ?
22 Can I just ask two questions then at the end ?
23 can I just ask British Steel , that I mean you 're hearing the other two groups .
24 Can I just take any views on the eyes before we take the er the wider view .
25 Can I just say one thing about Andrew 's point about the S I B.
26 I think can I just say one thing we did actually h it was n't community industry erm the people that did it I do n't know
27 Ca can I just say one thing , though , if you me nip out , it 's not that I do n't want to listen to this , er , it 's in connection with the property er worries that er , Geoffrey said , I 've got to sign a lot of er , arm twisting letters , which I , they want me to sign today , so if I can take five minutes out to sign those , I hope you will not feel I 'm trying to er skive off , as it were .
28 Peter , can I just say one thing , I 've er , erm , Jane do n't get me wrong I 'm not nit-picking right , but obviously erm , it must be er , the ideal time to cold call , nine to twelve , because Jane 's got cold calling down and Linda , from nine to twelve .
29 Can I just say two things on that first of all I think you 're right .
30 John , can I just put one point here .
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