Example sentences of "[subord] [not/n't] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Locke , although not opposed to corporal punishment as a final sanction , nor indeed for very young children of an age too tender to be reasoned with , in order to instil the necessary fear and awe that a child should have for an adult , strongly disapproved of beating once formal education had begun , just as he was equally opposed to bribing the child to work through material rewards .
2 The strikes and kicks , although not delivered with maximum power , as speed is more important , do land on the body with a certain amount of force .
3 If not appeased with sufficient food , the Ogres attack the adventurers if they think that they can beat them .
4 Above them loomed densely clad peaks of mountains , often as not shrouded by swift-moving cloud .
5 MacLauchlan never married , lodging in the Lambeth and Clapham areas of London when not engaged on archaeological work .
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