Example sentences of "[subord] [subord] [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We talk later in this chapter about the use of other people 's words , making the point that one problem with other people 's words is that they usually make more sense where they come from than where you put them in your essay .
2 They would even dry quicker than if you put them over the clothes horse cos that 's what those slats are for .
3 If we can start into the budget then , I think members will be fully aware of the wider context that the County Council finds itself in , and we 're not proposing to rehearse that at any great length for you other than if you wish us to er , run through that again .
4 You will have realized , for example , that if you crunch your car into your neighbour 's gatepost at 20 miles an hour you will do much more damage than if you nudge it at 10 .
5 So we 're more than looking forward to reviewing this one , although before we examine it in detail perhaps we should take a quick look at Lowden 's model-numbering system , since with so many different options available , like cutaways , special inlays , different bindings and decoration , it 's sometimes hard to spot which model is which .
6 After all , he refuses to mix with boys of his own age , and rarely leaves this house except when I take him on my rounds . ’
7 Such a word may be useful to a literary man but it throws little light on Green 's intentions except when he uses it in a negative sense ; in one chapter he states a subject was ‘ unpicturesque and consequently not worth an artists attention ’ .
8 Dr Mahmoud al-Sharief , Jordan 's Information Minister , said the best antidote to radical Islam was to give fundamentalists some power rather than jail sentences , to make them ‘ deal with the world as it is rather than as they imagine it to be ’ .
9 Cos I remember once when they asked me at work to deliver the annual speech you know the man that asked me he says er , you know , they 've gone round everybody else and nobody else would do it and would I do it , and I said good lord , that were my first reaction , and I realized like all the company secretaries lo lord , so I did very well there
10 She said that the increased charges to her , and she is totally immobile , except as I understand it from being able to move her head , the increased charges to her would be thirty seven per cent of her total weekly income of eighty pounds .
11 so Sure Start rang him up and said how 's your car er Mr , he said it 's no better now than when I fetched it to you , three oil changes since and two months since and they said well what you gon na do about it ?
12 It 's one of these things that sound much more complicated than when I explain it to you .
13 let them , let , do you think , let them , let , cos if we leave it to International Secretaire they may still not do it .
14 Cos if she saw you with it on
15 Do n't you have to do you no cos if you trim them at the top to bush out
16 cos you could , I mean if if she asked you about it , you know , you could just say well honestly I 'm quite , I did n't think you were the kind of person who 'd go for I know , I know that thing is I mean I can see , I can see that she 's going for him because
17 I think on balance I mi I my advice is that we do nothing , just wait and see if whether he contacts you at all .
18 said down the corridor he walked in his full uniform , the first morning say and that memory son will always stick ya , cos when I give her over that picture of the twins at Christmas , she , she looked up , she sort of looked up at me , she said I 've got tears in my eyes have n't I , and I looked and like I was choked as well and I , she sort of , I said yeah you are and she said , every time I look at them it brings back those memories the first memories of this little boy
19 And then the thing in small print so we we because if we do it on the company 's headed notepaper , all we 'll manage ah per photocopy is one sheet .
20 I soon learned to hide it because if you left it in the dining room or by your place somebody else would take it .
21 you know I rather did it before because if you do it after that 's when the job situation becomes a bit of problem , look at John , look what 's happening there
22 because if you force them at all , it does n't work .
23 I think it might need burning off because if you leave it on it 's gon na be a bit oddish !
24 It was strange , the conversation Dad and I had , because when I saw him at home later and over the next few days he behaved as if it had never happened , as if he had n't told me he 'd fallen in love with someone else .
25 Ken Deeming , who runs the Hideaway in Burgundy , said : ‘ I will not accept Eurocheques because when I pay them into the bank I am losing money because of the transaction charges . ’
26 Whereas if he raised it through a levy on Copts that would be wildly popular with everyone else .
27 And too often erm you know when you 're dealing with , with other companies , cos remember the people you 're seeing will be seeing people from other companies , they will overlook it as well whereas if you take it into account they will be impressed .
28 Whereas if you buy it from
29 When she had gone Scarlet began to peel courgettes , worrying the while whether she was not doing so prematurely : if she left them thus denuded , exposed to the air , they would discolour , while if she immersed them in water , their vitamin C content would dissipate .
30 you know , there 's no , whereas when you do it with a chisel it 's a bit of a , inverted commas
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