Example sentences of "[subord] [v-ing] that [pers pn] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The five leading members of the party at the centre of the controversy , Pearnel Charles , Errol Anderson , Karl Samuda , Edmund Bartlett and Douglas Vaz , although stating that they did not want to unseat Seaga , refused to give a public statement of unconditional loyalty to him .
2 We shall focus on the search for drugs which lower blood pressure , while noting that they do not cure , that their role is essentially palliative , and that their use is not always appropriate .
3 While emphasising that he had not reached any firm conclusions , Lord Donaldson 's voice will be a powerful one in behind-the-scenes manoeuvres as rules governing the exercise of the new advocacy rights are hammered out away from the parliamentary battlefield .
4 The Egyptians , while insisting that they do not speak for the Palestinians , appear ready to fudge the principle of PLO selection of the Palestinian delegation to ensure Israeli participation .
5 The Egyptians , while insisting that they do not speak for the Palestinians , appear ready to fudge the principle of PLO selection of the Palestinian delegation to ensure Israeli participation .
6 However , he and Earl Tostig Godwinsson [ q.v. ] were robbed by brigands on their way home , and forced to return to Rome , where Nicholas reinstated Ealdred and gave him the pallium , while insisting that he give up Worcester .
7 JOHN SMITH is preparing to launch the biggest tax assault ever on middle income families while claiming that he does not know what the effect of his tax hike will be on incentives , confidence or on the economy .
8 CITROEN disputes Daihatsu 's economical motoring laurels ; while admitting that it has not tackled the Round Britain run yet , it says that its AX diesel has achieved 112.01 mph over a 100 mile road route .
9 So do n't miss our feature on dieting which will help you to lose weight steadily while ensuring that you eat well throughout the year .
10 Members of the Islamic Nahdah movement ( Mouvement de la renaissance ) , led by Rachid Ghanouchi , were reported as saying that they had not put up candidates because of the government 's continued refusal officially to recognise the party .
11 The UK Chancellor of the Exchequer , Norman Lamont , was also quoted as saying that he did not believe that the present position of the dollar had rendered it " uncompetitive . "
12 Bush himself was quoted as saying that he did not " want to get into a major harangue down there " .
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