Example sentences of "[subord] [v-ing] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Bright young engineers from rival firms are attracted to Keyence by the chance to do their own research , rather than labouring for years under grey-haired supervisors .
2 Myeloski , although dealing with kidnappers in other cases , had never known how the hostages survived their isolation and their fear .
3 Much better than sitting in pubs with young girls or even drinking with one 's colleagues , the hastily snatched pint of bitter before they caught their trains home to their wives .
4 Little is known however about the sequence in which unaided people will ask questions in such a situation , whether they change their tactics if dealing with problems of different kinds , whether there are systematic differences between people , and so on .
5 However , on further examination it is clear that they often disagree as to what constitutes pornography , while overlapping on representations of sexual violence , they radically disagree on those of non-violent , non-marital sexual practices .
6 With its comparatively meagre resources , adult education might be seen as being at a disadvantage when catering for adults with special educational needs but , in reality , it has some features which enhance its capacity to respond .
7 Had it not been for the EPA relaxation of the ozone standard from 0.08 to 0.12 ppm in February 1979 , following strong pressure from the petroleum industry , many more tens of millions of people would be regarded as living in areas with unacceptable air quality .
8 Chantecler must have fuelled Eliot 's convictions about the origins of drama in primitive ceremony , as well as dealing with problems of religious decay and with mystical versus rational belief .
9 In fact , MAS provides a service similar to that of an investment banker in America , although when dealing with acquisitions of quoted companies it will normally involve a merchant bank in certain aspects of the work .
10 When dealing with cases of sexual abuse perpetrated upon a child , one of the greatest problems is the guilt which that child always feels during and after the event .
11 And Scotland on Sunday said , ‘ The GMC is unsure of its ground when dealing with practitioners of alternative forms of medicine .
12 The MP said he was seeking a meeting with the Home Secretary to discuss increasing the range of powers available to police when dealing with emergencies in large privately-owned complexes .
13 He described the changes in the functions of American bases as corresponding to changes in military doctrine and military technology .
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