Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [pron] [vb mod] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 Although maybe it might have been better to lie , because that might have convinced him , might n't it , that she had no designs on him ?
2 If a man who is a diabetic and who has arterial disease to the extent that this plaintiff had , is severely injured so that life is much more difficult to bear than otherwise it would have been , a defendant is in my view , quite unable , with justification , to say that a reduction in damages should thereby be brought about .
3 either subconsciously or consciously interpreted them to , to mean something other than actually what may have been taking place .
4 If only she could have been taller .
5 Dwight Kronweiser too shook his head at the thought : if only there could have been a Machin Archive at the University of East Louisiana .
6 If only he could have been just a little less ruthless about it along the way .
7 If only he could have been with Dinah at this hour , playing while she sang !
8 If somehow she could have been given a meagre share in their relationship , if one or the other had treated her as a confidante , it might have been more bearable .
9 With my father agreeing to give me £2,000 , and adding , ‘ This is the third plane ticket I 've bought for that man ’ , I flew back to England and finished painting the house white , thanking God that I liked the art nouveau and Edwardian furniture David had been buying , because otherwise it could have been tricky , having received the letter and realising that it might actually be love , it might actually be something serious going on .
10 When I lived right on the job it used to drive my wife round the bend — I 'd be at home on a weekend , perhaps in the garden , and I 'd think about something in the greenhouse across the road so I 'd go over there and disappear for an hour whereas perhaps I should have been giving more time to my family .
11 One problem here is that now , if pre-emptive provisions other than those prescribed in the Act are to apply , they must be in the memorandum or articles whereas previously they could have been provided in other ways , for example in an agreement between the shareholders or as part of the terms of issue of the shares .
12 It was recorded as early as 1749 , by the French astronomer Legentil , though presumably it must have been noticed in more ancient times .
13 I was not quite as attentive to the game as perhaps I might have been : - )
14 Unlike in the early 1960s , section 1 of the Official Secrets Act was not employed against the protesters at any point during this period though clearly it could have been .
15 She was not prosecuted ( though clearly she could have been ) under section 2 of the Official Secrets Act 1911 , possibly because the Government had just had its nose bloodied by a jury in the Clive Ponting trial , a case we deal with in Chapter 5 .
16 Here the occupants of the house would ascend to the first floor by way of the outside steps , as originally there would have been no inner staircase .
17 In the forty third minute , Foyle volleyed wide from fifteen yards when really he should have been on target after receiving from Magilton , and as referee Taylor was looking at his whistle to blow it for half time , United skipper , Steve Foster drove forward from the edge of the penalty area , shrugged off a couple of challenges , hit a good low shot , seemingly under the body of Gosney , but Gosney 's body just halted the flow of the ball .
18 He said Oliver was extremely embarrassed , as well he might have been , because he was buying flowers to make his peace with a girl he 'd gone to bed with the night before and been impotent with .
19 As it turned out , she would have done better to have stayed on her pillow , for there she might have been found by Maud or Enid who would possibly have put two and two together at the curious sight of a cat and frog nestling on the same bed .
20 At that time , strikes were regarded by most members of the middle class as conspiracies against the established order , as sometimes they may have been ; but this particular stoppage , concerning itself chiefly with man 's natural being and constitution , seemed to Eliot to be quite different from the normal down-tools affair .
21 I had to go upstairs and take the uniform off to brush it , as otherwise it would have been deduced that I had sat in the chair of a gentleman .
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