Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] 'll [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A 24-day trip through Brazil from Rio to the remote Amazon — where you 'll see the Iguaçu Falls ( top right ) en route — is priced from £1723-£1785 .
2 When you 're buying a board think about what experience you 've had , where you 'll use the board , who else will use it and what level of skill you want to achieve .
3 Try digging the garden , thumping the pillow or even screaming ( though not where you 'll frighten the baby or the cat ) — you will feel much better for it .
4 And finally tonight congratulations to Hereford United on reaching the fourth round of the FA Cup where they 'll face the might of Brian Clough and his Nottingham Forest side .
5 The entry will go back into the bag for the Grand Draw , so you 'll have the chance of winning more than one prize if you fill in this section — but it is entirely optional .
6 ‘ Mr Hobden , this is Robert Sheldrake , who has been good enough to come with me , so you 'll have the benefit of two opinions . ’
7 I know has so several of you have already been on a training course so you 'll know the sort of er way in which we work and the way things happen .
8 Yeah we divided them all up , but if me or Jan needed to refer to anything we 'd recognize the information that we 've put on the envelopes quicker than we 'll recognize the stuff that he 's put in there
9 We 're now full so we 'll play the game Guess the Voice after this one from Sonny and Cher .
10 ‘ You 've got to do everything to give yourself a bit of an advantage in a race like this , so we 'll put the visor on .
11 but the er , at the joint meeting of course they 're all a bit subdued , cos they 're coming onto to well what 'll happened , cos I 've work up there , they 're much more gregarious than the bloke down here , so they 'll take the stuff out of especially when , so we 'll be doing it .
12 He 's tried direct flights and so on but he thought four hundred pounds , four hundred and fifty was a bit much although he 'll get the villa so cheaply .
13 Said Francis : ‘ Carlton 's virus seems to be lingering so he 'll see the doctor before we reassess his situation . ’
14 I 've jus ' took it away from its muvver so it 'll need the warmth . ’
15 Gets right under my skirts if you 'll excuse the expression .
16 Colleagues , I would say , and if you 'll excuse the expression , I do n't think this C E C knows its arse from its elbow .
17 You 'll have to bear with me David , I think you 're only the second person I 've ever had , if you 'll excuse the expression , in this studio .
18 Did you know that almost all modern dentures are made by polymerising methyl methacrylate ? the name is a bit of a mouthful ( if you 'll excuse the pun ) , and is better known by the acronym MMA .
19 ‘ The snow 's very loose on the Wildhorn at this time of year and all it took was a small charge to start the ball rolling , if you 'll excuse the pun .
20 There may be more to this than meets the eye ( if you 'll excuse the pun ) as just once in a while I have taken zander during the daytime in water that has been so clear that I would have rated my chances as zero .
21 He is taking their eyes , if you 'll excuse the pun , off their situation and condition , off their blindness , off their need , off the miracle even , and he 's directing it to themself .
22 And the other fear , of course , was that the cost of fuel is going to go out literally through the roof , if you 'll excuse the pun , erm that does n't seem to have happened , so again presumably they the tour operators will be able to hold prices , certainly as far as the flights are concerned ?
23 An ’ if you 'll pardon the liberty , ladies , I reckon I 'd shirk my duty if two pretty young ladies had come all this way special .
24 If you 'll pardon the correction , not so much as a million , ’ said one of the lady lodgers .
25 He wraps it in balls if you 'll pardon the expression and puts it in M+M packets .
26 Had the most exciting offer to do another dig at Isurium Brigantum , your cantonal capital , it 's a dream come true if you 'll pardon the expression .
27 ‘ Sounds to me like your daughter needs a good kick up the arse , if you 'll pardon the expression . ’
28 Indeed from his point of view , that of the tellee ( if you 'll pardon the expression ) , being told the truth just is finding it out by a certain kind of indirect observation .
29 ‘ And four of those bloody years I spend in a bloody prison-camp — if you 'll pardon the expression .
30 If you 'll pardon the expression , you look kinda white . ’
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