Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] had [adv] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 The large statue of Chairman Mao which had dominated the quadrant outside the library , where he had once worked in his youth , suddenly ‘ disappeared ’ .
2 Although I had always lived in a freezing cold damp house and spent a lot of my own childhood in hospital and even remember my own mum referring to our flats as pneumonia houses , in my ignorance I had never made the connection between our living conditions , ill health and the social and environmental climate .
3 On the day of the Station sports I tried harder than I had ever tried in any of my events , and the results were exactly as predicted by old Doc Whittingham " not in the first three , could make fourth if he really tries hard enough " ( which could be the story of my life ) .
4 He lifted and transferred my soul from the depths up to the heights , so that I ardently longed for the pleasures of heaven more than I had ever delighted in physical embrace or worldly corruption …
5 More diamonds than she had ever seen in her life .
6 Maria had been feeling more vulnerable than she had ever done in her life , but now she lost her temper .
7 His eyes bore more seriousness than she had ever read in them .
8 That week Hannah and I worked harder than we had ever worked in our lives before , but at last all was ready .
9 Although they had often stayed in the country , this was the first time they had lived in it , and that makes all the difference .
10 The Hezbollah organization announced on June 30 that it would take part in the elections , although it had not participated in any government formed since the Taif accord .
11 But the dog smelt the man 's fear , and turned and ran away from him faster than it had ever run in its life .
12 Poor Harry , so incongruously yoked in the forced democracy of death , whose stiffening body would receive far more attention in its dissolution than it had ever received in life .
13 The new season again brought some work on opera-ballet , with a new production of Die Fledermaus at Sadler 's Wells on 10 January 1949 giving a bigger opportunity than he had yet enjoyed in that genre .
14 He was embarrassed more than he had ever felt in public before .
15 Little Billy ran faster than he had ever run in his life before .
16 Oliver was gently carried in to a bed , and received more care and kindness than he had ever had in his life .
17 I have been told that on coming to the village to work in the cement factories and receiving his first weeks wages he asked if it was all his as it was more money than he had ever had in one week .
18 Between March and June 1984 , he worked harder than he had ever worked in his life .
19 I probably would have stayed longer if I had n't fallen in love with Isobel .
20 What would have been my lead story this morning if she had n't wafted in ? ’
21 Emily tried to remember if she had ever known in the days of seeing him that he was such a strong swimmer , but nothing much came back .
22 He felt drugged , by her perfume and her presence ; he felt … like he had never felt in his life before .
23 Anyway , the fact is that if it had n't rained in Japan , if he had n't withdrawn from the race after a few laps and waited until the weather improved , he , not James Hunt , would have been champion .
24 If he had not fallen in love with Linda his male genitals would have been sculpted to mimic those of a female by a surgeon in Middlesbrough General Hospital some time next year .
25 It dawns on me that if he had not succeeded in entering her then it is not legally rape .
26 Polybius could not have written his history as he did if he had not found in Rome an aristocracy which he could instinctively understand because he shared its attitude to life .
27 If he had not returned in twenty years his son , Don Benedetto , should inherit his lands and administer his fortune in the normal way .
28 Because I had n't put in the back .
29 Some twenty-five years later , when I became interested in hypnosis and then in regression therapy , I began to wonder whether my earlier fascination was because I had actually lived in Tudor times .
30 Perhaps , she thought , it was because she had never lived in this house .
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