Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] is [adv] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 In very serious cases , where it is highly likely that a series of medical reports will be necessary , the first report can be obtained from the treating surgeon .
2 One rejoinder to this would be to cite cases like : ( 35 ) our new neighbours said they had had their old house painted mauve where it is perfectly possible that the house is much younger than anybody in the family .
3 It also has applications in field archaeology where financial or time constraints preclude excavation of more than part of a site , and where it is therefore important that the excavated part yields as much information as possible .
4 Where the demised property is unusual either in size or in character , or where it is so valuable that small points have large financial consequences , determination by arbitration may be the better method since there will be an opportunity for full argument .
5 ‘ She 's been having trouble with her periods , if you must know , ’ she says , imputing a prurient inquisitiveness to Vic , although she is well aware that such gynaecological disclosures are the last thing he wants , especially at this hour of the morning .
6 Although it is generally true that increasing age exerts an unfavourable effect on outcome of diseases and medical interventions , this influence is weaker than is generally supposed and is mainly due to age-associated disorders .
7 Although it is doubtless significant that the two texts on the Soviet Union written by Nizan , " Le Tombeau de Timour " and " Sindobod Tocikiston " , are centred on man 's struggle for socialist construction against the forces of nature in Central Asia , far removed from the political intrigue of Moscow , their significance is to be located in a heightened awareness of metaphysical despair rather than in any fundamental disenchantment with the social and political advances of the Soviet experiment itself .
8 It may have been a recurrent nova , and although it is probably unlikely that it will ever come within binocular range , if it reappears at all , there is no harm in looking for it .
9 Perhaps Jesus meant by this the ‘ outcasts ’ of Jewish society , although it is equally possible that he meant that God 's message — the kingdom — was for everyone , regardless of race .
10 There has also been deliberate wooing of parents who had already made their selection , although it is surely obvious that changes in mid-stream can only be damaging , in terms of stability , education and coach/player relationship .
11 Although it is usually true that if the interests of the covenantee and the covenantor are satisfied then so is the public interest , it is important to realise that in some cases the courts have chosen to examine the restraint primarily from the point of view of the public interest rather than from that of the parties .
12 If an employee has produced a computer program outside the normal course of his duties , but has used his employer 's equipment or done it during the hours of his employment , the ownership of copyright is more difficult to predict , although it is more likely that the employer will be treated as owner .
13 Although it is now clear that Sutherland 's attempt to fit , indeed squash , corporate crime into his theory of differential association has not proved comfortable , and that his concentration on the economic as opposed to the physical and social effects of corporate crime made his study too one-sided , it none the less did , at the time , constitute a rich legacy to bequeath to criminology .
14 It is believed that a significant number of these are repeat prescriptions , although it is now clear that these powerful drugs should only be used short term .
15 No such case as the latter has yet been brought and ( although it is very improbable that any charge would succeed since the law is explicit ) no certain interpretation on this point has been made .
16 However , although it is very likely that the British industrial revolution would have occurred without these funds , it is difficult to imagine that Britain would have achieved the kind of scale and pace of industrial development that it did without access to these funds and to the markets provided by the colonies .
17 Although it is certainly true that individuals can gain a false idea about the ease of making money on the Stock Market , there is also no doubt that privatisation has generated substantial interest in the Stock Market , much of it from new investors .
18 Although it is certainly true that papal levies were one spur to clerical refusals of the king , the clergy conducted a vigilant campaign to defend their rights and immunities with regard to taxation .
19 Although it is still possible that subjects ’ perceptions of the tasks could have been altered by the different exemplars of a junction that were viewed in the different experiments , it does not appear that the subset of 24 were unrepresentative of the full 60 .
20 Although it is still true that most dollar eurobonds are held by non-US residents , US residents now form an important group .
21 If he achieves his ambitious growth targets it is bound to mean more jobs although it is highly unlikely that they will grow at the same rate — ‘ but it would be fairly substantial and it would be in Glasgow ’ .
22 2.4 " Common Parts " means any malls and other pedestrian ways concourses and circulation areas staircases escalators ramps and lifts service roads loading bays forecourts and other ways and areas in the Centre which are from time to time during the Term provided by the Landlord for common use by customers frequenting the Centre and by the Tenants and the occupiers of the Centre or persons expressly or by implication authorised by them Although it is highly unlikely that the landlord would so amend or alter the common parts to make it impossible for the tenant to carry on its business , the following additional wording may be considered :
23 It is clear from thinking in Brussels and Paris that their views on international trade owe more to Friedrich List than to Adam Smith , although it is always surprising that they bemoan their countries ' so-called tutelage to the United States and at the same time attack the liberal economic policies which lie at the root of American power : why do they not realise that they should adopt economic liberalism as well ?
24 It has not proved possible to locate any smaller scale surveys specific to any areas , although it is always possible that some could exist somewhere !
25 Conversely , projects which encourage a caring attitude in boys and acceptance of ‘ non-macho ’ traits would presumably act to deflect the automatic expression of male toughness or aggression although it is always possible that hostility to the course itself could provoke even more of a ‘ male backlash ’ .
26 Although it is undoubtedly true that Sartre et alia achieved a moral victory in 1947 by highlighting the purely imaginary and hence illusory nature of the accusations made against Nizan , and although Sartre 's own final fictional account of Nizan , narrated emotionally in " Drole d'amitie " , is a powerful antidote to the negative and hostile account in Aragon 's Les Communistes , nonetheless , from the moment of his death in 1940 until the moment of republication of Aden Arabic " in 1960 , Nizan remained an unwanted communist renegade .
27 Like his [ sic ] colleagues in most developing countries , he is , to say the least , unprepared and unwilling to serve in rural areas and has to be forced to do so although he is fully aware that rural areas and people are most undeveloped and disadvantaged because of lack of human , material and financial resources ....
28 Just as it is almost impossible to apply what is now called the ‘ Japanese ’ system of management to other parts of the world , because of the differences of culture and background of the people who are working in industry , so it is equally unlikely that the particular , precise ways that I have found so useful will have the same application to others ; Nevertheless , since I have spent so much of my life developing these ideas it may be that some of my experience will hit a chord of recognition or cause others to reflect or contemplate .
29 Purcell thought highly enough of this little improvement to write it into his own song-book as an emendation : so it is scarcely conceivable that he would have allowed the original , unimproved version to go into a score being copied under his own supervision for a revival — especially given that the effect of the improvement itself was theatrical rather than primarily musical .
30 But , in the following discussions , I do take two leading new historicist writers , Louis Montrose and Stephen Greenblatt , as representing the current field , so it is probably inevitable that they will appear as paradigms for New Historicism as a whole .
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