Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] is [adv] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The ease with which patients are managed in these settings contrasts with the chaos that commonly ensues when a single anorexia nervosa patient is treated on a general psychiatric or medical ward , where she is either afforded special status or rejected because her illness is seen as self-inflicted .
2 WHO WILL guard the guardians in the Philippines , where it is rapidly becoming clear that President Aquino does not command her own army ?
3 If a document resembles the form of a debenture although it is not called such , the usual rights and liabilities accrue to the holder .
4 I would n't rule him out , although he is n't getting any younger and might have missed his chance two years ago .
5 Although they were the servants of governments whose interests it was their duty to uphold unreservedly , it was easier in such a setting than it is today to recognize certain common interests .
6 The notion of pastiche is now a guiding thread in critical discourse , to the extent that Palandri 's novel can be put forward as ‘ a disturbing attempt to write a kitsch novel ’ ( De Michelis 1986a ) , and the argument be made — — referring to Piersanti 's Charles — that no novelist born in the 1950s can return to ‘ traditional narrative ’ without being aware that he/she is ‘ holding an old toy which might look fine in an antique shop , or might be an ornament or a collector 's item , but is no good for playing with any more ’ ; if they do use it ( but why should they if it is no use any more ? ) , it is with a mixture of pleasure and melancholy , ‘ like someone repeating a game which once gave pleasure for years and years and now gives none , only the memory of the joy it once gave ’ ( De Michelis 1986b ) .
7 This may seem confusing if it is not made clear what she means by ‘ literal ’ .
8 If it is not made clear in the psychologist 's report , the Tutor should recommend the type of assistance which would be of most help to the Student .
9 However , what you should always remember is that the picture must contain a reasonable amount of detail if it is not to look dull .
10 Already programs are being written that will automatically define the amount of white space each character of a new type-face needs in which to breathe , if it is not to look cramped ( at the moment this time-consuming procedure is done by eye ) .
11 There are of course passages where Klemperer 's gravitas is amazingly powerful , as in the first movement , but the first ‘ Nachtmusik ’ requires greater momentum if it is not to appear diffuse .
12 If it is not considered appropriate or possible to lodge an early Tender , then once the necessary information or Medical Report is available , the Tender should be lodged as soon as possible thereafter .
13 Indeed it is this inaccuracy that leads to its often being called a circadian clock ( from the latin , circa — about ; diem — a day ) If it is correctly timed one day , it will be approximately 1 hour late the next , about 2 hours late the day after that , and so on until it will be ‘ useful ’ again after about 3 weeks .
14 Woman-centred psychology , like egalitarian feminist psychology , needs to address theory if it is really to change psychological discourses of gender .
15 If he is n't killed first , of course .
16 ‘ Maginot Line is English 6c , and if he is n't doing that grade then Just Do It ca n't have hard moves on it ’ .
17 Wearing a different one every time she went out would be only normal , particularly since a sari does not have to be washed as frequently as a dress because it is not worn next to the skin .
18 Mr Haszeldine has made a formal complaint to the ward councillors , saying the rats are coming from the depot because it is not kept clean .
19 Unless detected at an early stage weight loss is an inevitable result of pancreatic insufficiency , but before this becomes apparent the dog 's appetite will have increased , simply because it is not absorbing enough nutrients .
20 But as I suggested in the last part of Chapter 2 , this difference is not of any great practical significance : whether deviant motivations are taken as given because they express free will ( classical theory ) or because it is not deemed fruitful to attempt their explanation ( control theory ) does not , in itself ; have any practical implications for the subsequent criminological enterprise .
21 Yet the bulk of activity is never reported in the general literature — chiefly because it is not considered newsworthy or important , either by by the editors or the librarians .
22 It is possible for a river to reach grade and to start to form a floodplain while it is still transporting coarse material over a comparatively steep gradient .
23 Since it is generally agreed that intelligence has a genetic component , can it not be argued that social inequality has a biological basis ?
24 The former policy makes more sense since it is still promise that is being sold on .
25 It is a method of making the press charge my wife before she is even found guilty by the press .
26 She struggles , eyes widening further , but I pin her to the sheets with my weight and keep the glove firmly over her mouth even though she is n't making any noise .
27 As she is now studying fell-time for the Ministry , she resigned from the post at the end of October , 1991 , and we have appointed another worker , Mrs .
28 When it is officially opened next month by King Juan Carlos , it will launch ‘ Any Miró ’ , the season of activities commemorating the centenary of the artist 's birth and culminating in a major survey of his art being organised by the Joan Miró Foundation , Barcelona and the Museum of Modern Art , New York .
29 The joint is in this condition when it is finally judged ready for the table .
30 A man with a poor employment history , who has lost several jobs and experienced intermittent phases of unemployment , has a considerably raised probability of becoming depressed when he is again made redundant ( Eales , 1985 ) , but will also have a raised chance of being near the top of an employer 's list for redundancy in so far as it is the policy of many employers to exercise a ‘ last in first out ’ policy .
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