Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] be [verb] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Although I was doing the same kind of of erm work .
2 As a film like Scandal , which dealt with the Profumo affair , might make young people go back and check out more about what was happening in the early sixties , so I was doing the same in terms of the fifties .
3 You know so make sure the units are the same and the scale is the same so you 're using the same number of squares for each one .
4 But if I was to ask the same question throughout industry today the answer would be very different .
5 as if she were putting the same reel of film back in the projector , she ran through the whole scene once again : she is speaking to the visitor , Paul is watching them with astonishment , and the guest is saying : ‘ In your next life , do you want to stay together or never meet again ? ’
6 If she was running the same company for Virgin , should n't she have some shareholding in it ?
7 It 's OK if you 're playing the same lines over and over again to thicken up the sound but if you 're playing different lines within the song as overdubs I often use different guitars to achieve different effects . ’
8 Well you 've both got to do the same if you 're playing the same game Jonathan .
9 Mind you , if you were going the same way as he wanted go , and he was going the way you wanted to go
10 And it looks like we 're doing the same thing , over and over , but we 've got one damned thing the phoenix never had .
11 We gladly accept all these rightful strictures and if we are to enjoy the same success with councils we have to accept their bye-laws , too .
12 Er if this i if we 're talking the same
13 And if we 're doing the same thing , they 're gon na s sooner of later they 're gon na click and they 're gon na say , Well you know , that 's too much of a good thing like you know .
14 Now what 's happened , what would happen if we were to follow the same type of line there would be that the airfield would stay open as if needed a small commuter airfield .
15 Ask them if they 're having the same problem . ’
16 Only a little thought will show what a nonsense this is , for , as we have just seen , no two individuals manifest their illnesses in exactly the same way even if they are given the same disease label .
17 However , since tests are always used by different people in different settings , it is also necessary to know something about the extent to which the same tester may achieve stable scores , when the test is given to the same person on different occasions , or the extent to which the scores from different testers would be comparable if they were to test the same individual .
18 This enables pertinent Objections to be lodged if it is felt the same are relevant .
19 Until recently , there have been no established codec standards and one system can only speak to another if it is using the same compression-decompression algorithms .
20 And then she wondered if he was thinking the same about her — how on earth could any woman forget she was about to change her name ?
21 Still staring up at him , she tried to discover if he was making the same connections as herself , but his face gave absolutely nothing away , and yet , when he 'd first opened the door , she 'd thought he 'd looked disappointed .
22 I always felt an affinity with Donna , I thought it was because we were born the same day — ’
23 Also now that we 've got UNISON the one union I think they can help but I do think that 's what needs to be done , because they 're doing the same with the hospital as , as now doing with the pits even after the closure campaign .
24 the simple straightforward statement ‘ I am cold ’ and I just wondered whether , you know , extrapolating backwards whether we 're doing the same disservice to Shakespeare .
25 And I just wondered whether , you know extrapolating backwards , whether we 're doing the same disservice to Shakespeare .
26 Then it happens to another dancer and , as I am watching the same pattern of recovery , the man next to me throws his arms into the air , totters forward and begins to experience apparently involuntary spasms .
27 In effect this was a time when new worlds and new social structures were being forged ; and in many ways we were closer to the world of the underground than that of the moral majority , for we were walking the same ground and like many in the alternative society were ( somewhat unsystematically ) following an essential and perennial theme of history — that of man 's journey as ‘ hero ’ .
28 Since then , Runrig have become a national institution and Capercaillie look as though they 're heading the same way .
29 We do not object to women working the keyboards , so long as they are paid the same wages as men .
30 They should have been , as they were given the same rations as a British farm labourer .
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