Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On one of them , where I farmed for 45 years , while my employees who belonged there spoke Gaelic , I also from time to time employed Scots speakers from Alyth , splendid fellows , in whose speech I could recognise classical Scots words which occur in the poetry of the Scottish Chaucerians .
2 I see the sign saying Welcome to Inverness just as I remember where I left the car and where I left from this morning and just before I turn and stamp to the nearest desk and demand in my highest dudgeon to be taken to Edinburgh on a charted Lear if necessary or limoed immediately to the highest-starred hotel within a reasonable radius for a free overnight dinner , bed and breakfast and unlimited bar tab .
3 But where I thought of this part of the game as the worst , Ken positively savoured it .
4 My father was not a rich man , but he was able to send me to Cambridge University , where I studied for three years .
5 I pulled the door shut and almost ran to the front door and into Langdon Crescent garden , where I stood for five minutes breathing in the fresh air .
6 However , after being in the ‘ Rena ’ for a week , I became seriously ill with septicaemia and was moved to St. Peter 's Hospital , where I stayed for three weeks .
7 They were still talking when I continued on my way back to my roomette where I sat in comfortable privacy for a while reading the timetable and also reflecting that although I still had no answers to the old questions , I now had a whole crop of new ones , the most urgent being whether or not Filmer had already known the Youngs were friends of Ezra Gideon .
8 Claire took part in the European Junior Masters in Brussels in May , a tournament held for national champions , where she finished in third place .
9 Her visitors in the Exeter nursing home where she died on 7th December saw all the qualities which made her such a servant of the trade continue unabated to the end — the common sense and humour , the courage , and the huge interest in others .
10 Madame de Lully 's principal residence continued to be the house on the rue St Anne , parish of St Roch , where she had resided with her husband , and where she died on 3 May 1720 .
11 Rosa cast an eye at her mother 's frowning back where she attended to some task and tried to exchange a glance of impatience with Tommaso .
12 If only she could turn her back on the golden Dane whose gaze still ensnared her , lose herself in the masses and find her own way back to the hotel , but she was held where she stood by invisible chains .
13 He waved to her from the gate , where she stood like any housewife seeing off her man .
14 Her parents then moved to London and admitted her as a free scholar to the sculpture studio in the Royal College of Art , where she stayed for four years and graduated an A.R.C.A.
15 After time off to have children , she became a secretary at Kendall Primary School , Colchester , where she stayed for five years before moving at Myland .
16 They settled Iris in the passenger seat of the Golf , where she sat with closed eyes .
17 Renowned for her ‘ tomboyish tastes ’ ( she would , even in evening dress , always carry a knife and some string about her person ) , Emma went on to the School for Ornamental Art and began to support early Victorian feminist causes , making an initial living as a restorer of stained-glass windows notably in the chapel of Merton College , Oxford , where she worked for two years in the early 1860s .
18 Mrs Taylor , a devout Baptist , made her claim against a clothing store , Franlow , where she worked until last July .
19 But , that where we went to that pub that time with Geoff , that 's the first time I 've been up there .
20 We also spent time in the capital , Guatemala City , where we talked to senior government officials like the defence minister , General Jose Garcia Samayoa .
21 I 'm convinced he drew me aside , away from Jeeta and Jamila , into the store-room , where we sat on wooden boxes like skiving factory workers , because he was ashamed , or at least bashful , about his unsweet victory .
22 The Fish got us a good position at the back of the club , where we stood on wooden beer crates holding on to each other as the floor seemed about to crack open with heat and stomping .
23 We were not far below the hanging glacier bivouac , where we stopped for two hours before pushing on to make the most of the night .
24 The successful 20 progressed to the International Open , where they competed with foreign challengers for places in the Grand Prix .
25 In 1851 George Sumner was appointed rector of Old Alresford , Hampshire , where they lived for thirty-four years , and where their son , ( George ) Heywood ( Maunoir ) [ q.v. ] , artist and archaeologist , was born .
26 Sparrow Force landed at the island 's north-west port of Koebang to protect its airfield , but within a few days the Independent Company , with some Dutch troops , was sent east along the coast to occupy Dili in the Portuguese half of the island ( see map p. 77 ) where they landed on 17 December 1941 .
27 They frequently inhabited the same Soho haunt but at Muriel 's , where they vied with each other in buying bottles of champagne , they often occupied different ends of the room .
28 car hirers were not ‘ trafficking in litigation ’ where they agreed with potential plaintiffs whose cars were damaged in motor accidents and under repair , to supply them with free replacement vehicles provided the plaintiffs co-operated with the hirers in prosecuting claims against defendants and paid them the hiring charges from the damages they received .
29 After all the hassle they should know exactly where they stood with each other , Merrill thought as she dressed on Saturday evening .
30 While Agassi and Sampras , with supreme pre-final confidence , had flown home from Frankfurt after the ATP Finals for a few days of relaxation in Florida before returning to Europe , Noah had taken his squad off to a Swiss tennis resort , where they trained for 6 hours a day , offered themselves for 30 minutes daily to the press for customary grilling and focussed wholly on the task in hand .
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