Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Grant Hall Hotel was next door to Zion United Church where I still spent many weekday evenings in boys ' work , and it was now handy to finish at the church and then cross over to the radio station for the late night shift .
2 Ms Robinson , of Harmire Road , Barnard Castle , took over the campaign reins more than three years ago and regards her appointment as something of a coup for the north where she also hopes one day to stage a regional conference .
3 Software development , especially in areas such as taxonomic and other scientific computing , has been a major area of weakness , where we definitely lacked in-house expertise prior to the appointment of a Taxonomic Computing specialist .
4 Where we often have great difficulty with Community proposals is when co-operation is replaced not by agreement but by majority voting on issues of concern to us .
5 Since use of land for domestic and industrial purposes is largely incompatible with clean water , potable supply rivers tend to be found in rural settings where they also have considerable amenity value .
6 But they said that it was a different matter over in the west , around Appleby way , where they generally paid more money but worked you very hard and gave you little meat .
7 It should be clear from the previous chapters that although I still had some sense of personal identity when I became anorexic , I simply did not have the opportunity or know-how to form an Eriksonian ego identity .
8 And though Douglas on the surface was more generous , more giving than his sometimes taciturn elder son , Shiona recognised that what they shared in common was that fierce individuality and sense of purpose that had brought Douglas , through his own efforts , from rags to great riches .
9 ‘ These people got abusive because we would n't take their drugs so I just grabbed this bag of s*** and poured it over the floor .
10 Personally I like to keep things as simple as possible , so I always relate this concept to the relative major key even if I 'm dealing with a song which is in a minor key .
11 ‘ All my school life , I was under the impression I was not completely stupid but pretty dumb so I never had that oomph .
12 During the struggle police said Annie Murphy injured her foot , although she later refused medical treatment .
13 Brown remained her adviser for over a decade , although she also sought occasional assistance from the painter ( Sir ) Edward Burne-Jones [ q.v . ] .
14 Although she never showed any interest in what I was up to at university , she often asked questions about the East End and seemed fascinated by my stories of Charlie Trumper and his barrow .
15 Sick pay and maternity pay from your employer are dealt with under the PAYE system anyway , so you automatically pay national insurance contributions on them .
16 The Dalek 's power was conducted through the floors so you instantly dismissed any idea of the city being built from house bricks .
17 And you may find treating the pain in the day means it 's not so bad at night so you actually get more sleep anyway .
18 ‘ The children like convenience foods such as sausages or fishfingers and chips so we sometimes have that sort of thing , and occasionally we buy a takeaway from the chip shop .
19 I was paid for the lessons not in money but in food , so we always had enough oil , sugar , cheese and butter — commodities that were now difficult to obtain .
20 I been married for 11 months and my husband works away during the week so we only see each other at weekends .
21 Taken in conjunction with what follows they show the development of UK practice , although they also illustrate that progress has been slow and uncertain , and that user education is still generally a peripheral service in most libraries .
22 It is a robust species and can reach over two feet in length , although they seldom reach this size in the aquarium .
23 Those of us in public life are aware that , whenever complaints of poor service come before us , there are always Labout Members who will blame either the absence of public funds , although they never make any reference to where the money has to come from , or the Government .
24 The ‘ needles ’ that send out the negative ions clog up in time , reducing efficiency , so they also need regular cleaning ( use a cotton bud ) .
25 Just as linguists today use traditional categories like ‘ gender ’ or ‘ case ’ , so they also inherit traditional value judgements and myths .
26 Actually it 's quite a cosy group , so they probably know each other by
27 In fact he had me arriving at the scene in a police car with two tones , at , at , at that time we did n't have police cars with two tones , just siren , so they obviously put some sound on it .
28 Once they ever reach that position
29 The reason why Roger was styled ‘ de Meuland ’ ( or ‘ Meuleng ’ , ‘ Meulent ’ , ‘ Molend ’ , etc. ) is unclear , although it probably indicates some connection with Meulon in Normandy .
30 The feel was ‘ Get to Manchester and get signed ’ although it rarely worked that way .
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