Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [vb -s] be [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 This tradition happily has been continued by his successors whose duties have included presiding at the Annual General Meeting , an unpredictable , lively affair where it has been known for election to the Board to be determined by the toss of a coin !
2 Most of the population have welcomed Mr Mladenov 's reforms , although he has been criticised for leaving some of Mr Zhivkov 's supporters in prominent positions .
3 He was to have joined me this week , but his train met with an accident , so he 's been detained for a few days with an injured ankle .
4 We assume that it is enough that the new way will prove better than the old way once it has been tried for some time .
5 ‘ It seems that the establishment thinking is that if it 's been done for 175 years , it must be all right .
6 Inside , it looks as if it 's been used for tank practice .
7 We ca n't hurt her — humiliate her like this when she 's expecting to marry him in just a few weeks , even if it has been arranged for family reasons , and not for love .
8 A ley can really only be said to be confirmed if it has been walked for most of its length .
9 Please ensure that you are currently the associated user of the package ie. either the package manager or the nominated approver ( if it has been submitted for approval ) .
10 Please ensure that you are currently the associated user of the package ie. either the package manager or the nominated approver ( if it has been submitted for approval ) also that you have LIFESPAN Quality Assurer privilege .
11 If he has been arrested for an arrestable offence , there may also be a power to search his home under section 18 .
12 Michael Heseltine , when Secretary of State for the Environment , introduced a simple test , which is now permanently enshrined in the Planning circulars : permission will not normally be granted for the demolition of a listed building unless it has been offered for sale on the open market , preferably freehold .
13 The basic view is best expressed by Skinner himself : ‘ A person disposed to act because he has been reinforced for acting may feel the conditions of his body at such a time and call it ‘ felt purpose' ’ , but what behaviourism rejects is the causal efficacy of that feeling . ’
14 The third party is now commonly known as an expert , usually because he has been chosen for his expertise about the issue between the parties .
15 ( In fact it is Grade II starred because it has been inhabited for more than 1,000 years . )
16 LIFESPAN prevents a DC being updated after it has been submitted for assessment .
17 The House of Lords has asked whether it is sex discrimination , contrary to Directive 76/207/EEC , to dismiss a female employee when she has been engaged for the specific purpose of replacing ( after training ) another female employee who is about to go on maternity leave and when the maternity leave replacement discovers very shortly after appointment that she too is pregnant and will need maternity leave and the employer dismisses her because he needs the job holder to be at work during that period .
18 However , the vector is described as being unstable in solution , resulting in less efficient cloning of the PCR-fragments when it has been dissolved for at least two months ( instructions to the ‘ TA Cloning TM System ’ , version 1.1 ) .
19 And I think kids should be encouraged to erm think about themselves rather than just tick boxes and I think er , er er a group of sentences down here written by the form teacher , by the subject teacher and the pupil erm , as it 's been done for about , for a few years , a good habit to get the kids into , erm especially as a record of achievement should start from year seven .
20 In the long term it is intended to operate over the Athenry-Tuam section as soon as it has been cleared for service trains .
21 Some flights are night flights — when you arrive in the resort your room is immediately available , as it has been reserved for the whole night .
22 If unstable complexes are in a rapid equilibrium with unbound RNA polymerase , as it has been suggested for the E.coli rrnD P 1 and for the B.subtilis citB promoters ( 10 , 11 ) , an increase in the ionic strength should impair promoter efficiency .
23 Romany King who was second has a great chance for he has been trained for the race by Toby Balding and will have the assistance of Adrian Maguire the big race specialist .
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