Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [verb] to be [art] " in BNC.

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1 This time he was taken to Darlington Memorial Hospital where he continued to be an outpatient for three years .
2 ‘ Paul Daniels learned the ropes on the Middlesbrough club scene where he had to be a little tougher to survive the wisecracks , but he comes across as unfriendly on television , ’ he said .
3 William Agnew was born deaf in Glasgow , and at an early age was sent to be educated at the Glasgow Institution for the Deaf and Dumb , where he proved to be a remarkable scholar .
4 Where it had to be the right name .
5 Erm one interesting point about overtime and temps er generally is that temps apparently unl are costing us around about fourteen K with overheads which is a lot more than I believed to be the case .
6 So you want to be a woman , Schätzchen ? ’ he murmured .
7 ‘ The characters are like someone you would meet in the street , although they tend to be a bit more romantic .
8 And to a very large degree , that has been erm , achieved , and I think that erm , the prospects for the county council for ninety-four five are now much better than they appeared to be a year ago , and er , I think the prospects for ninety-five six will need to be looked at through the budget review sub-committee and this committee at an early stage , and I 'm sure that the workman-like way in which it 's addressed it 's business is a good sign for the future .
9 We would n't have got on to it except it happened to be a post office where the little old lady is careful and takes a note of the numbers of anything over a fiver .
10 Yes , it does , although it tends to be the opposite way round .
11 William 's reign remains more problematic ; here scholars are prepared to concede a more significant role to Court–Country tensions , although it seems to be the case that at least from 1696 political strife can be understood essentially in terms of a struggle between Whigs and Tories .
12 Although it appears to be the same principle that promotes sympathy for South African blacks in their country , this confirms rather than vitiates the point that the form and meaning of racist discourses depends on and varies in context and enables a range of verbal and practical interactions and positions .
13 He is so young and innocent ; although he pretends to be a man he is still only a schoolboy .
14 He works for a development agency and two of his brothers were killed by Marcos so although he claims to be the least revolutionary of the family , he is fairly well into the issues .
15 But what you have to understand is that he 's the biggest thing in these villages , so he has to be the biggest thing in my life .
16 Her home number was not listed in the directory so it had to be the stage door .
17 The women 's event is being staged in two pools of five followed by semi-finals and a final so it promises to be a tough weekend for those that reach the latter stages .
18 None of the libraries in this group had a staff establishment higher than 130 , so it appears to be the smaller authorities in particular who found it difficult to allocate more than largely nominal responsibility .
19 If it picks an insider or a retiree , then we will all be back to writing the company 's obituary in three months ' time so it has to be an outsider , and one name canvassed that should be crossed off the list at once is that of ‘ Neutron ’ Jack Welch , boss of General Electric Co — not because he does n't have the capability but because he does not have a background in the computer industry .
20 " I could n't have a worse offer if I lived to be a hundred .
21 If I wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer , I could be one tomorrow .
22 ‘ Not if I live to be a hundred . ’
23 I do n't understand it , if I live to be a hundred I wo n't understand it .
24 it opens the door , it opens the door , that 's why both my younger girls , I mean Diane 's a different policy any way cos she wants to be a , but with the other two , who worked interest in computers and when they left college I gave them crash course in , in typing not in shorthand because they do n't they do n't need shorthand nowadays ,
25 ‘ Because Stapleton thought that she would be very much more useful to him if she appeared to be a free woman . ’
26 At five , Maura knew that if she wanted to be a part of their games she had to sit and watch quietly , otherwise they would sneak out of the garden leaving her alone .
27 If you tend to be a ‘ hard-liner ’ , you will be attracted to punishment as a way of controlling people 's behaviour .
28 Better still , never leave Little Puddington at all if you wish to be a wholly fulfilled and creative person .
29 If you wish to be an academic in the UK I ca n't see a better place than Bradford .
30 And you do n't fall asleep , as you are inclined to do if you try to be an absorbent sponge , soaking in what the authors say as if they had the last word .
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