Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah and er you know we can do a certain amount but I think if you went away from that you can go away from it a little bit but I think if you went too much away the people that you have and and our audience when we 've got them you know , they tend to stay with us you know they do n't change like the the youngsters and when we started off first you know our audience were mainly over forty five fifty plus really and now they 're down to we 're getting you know loads of of people in their twenties and in their teens and even down to kids like last night , five and six years old .
2 If you suffer badly from these symptoms , go and see your doctor who should be able to help .
3 ‘ The market is not going to grow until we get away from this distress purchase idea — that 's the easy way of selling it .
4 ‘ The market is not going to grow until we get away from this distress purchase idea — that 's the easy way of selling it ’ — Peter Karsten
5 Thus , in a sense , we are still all doomed , even if we keep away from black holes .
6 If they understand both from other speakers , but produce only one themselves , then Contrast would appear to work separately in comprehension and production .
7 Some may not like this idea , because it veers away from established convention , but it 's quicker , plus it saves the hassle of breaking a string peg at an important moment and being left dangling , so to speak .
8 The sort of surplus Paisley had is sometimes called a " primary " surplus because it derives exclusively from first-preference votes .
9 Whereas I scurry aimlessly from this to that , thought Alix , as she drove through the dark evening : they block one path , I try another , and so it goes on , thought Alix , who at times thought no such thing , and was not thinking it now with much conviction .
10 I am always in my very best spirits , for my heart has been as light as a feather ever since I got away from all that humbug ; and , what is more , I have become fatter .
11 This must follow since we move away from direct taxes which we saw to be progressive , towards indirect taxes , which at best are proportional ( VAT ) , and more usually are regressive ( the community charge — now the new Council Tax , uniform business rate , excise duties , import duties , etc . ) .
12 So there is some choice and ah , yeah , we perhaps need to think about whether you know better from last year whether it 's still a half term .
13 When I came home from one of my theatrical capers , it was there — sitting in the hearth looking smug — and , I must admit , snug too .
14 Coming as I did directly from higher education , I had expected to be treated as an adult and be allowed to explore my own educational needs during my three year RGN training , undertaken a few years ago .
15 But he also saw the tiny smile she had , that serene look when she came home from six o'clock mass every morning .
16 And so I hope that , as you go away from this place , that you will really go away with the knowledge , and with the technical know-how , to put across the work which , as I said earlier , we all recognize is a very important part in these coming months and years .
17 ‘ It 's far too hot for this climate , ’ she retorted flatly , her cheeks flushing as she turned away from those cynical , all-seeing eyes , beneath which she 'd felt she was being mentally undressed .
18 When we move away from pluralistic systems of politics to single-party systems the executive branch of government is likely to be even more powerful in relation to elected assemblies .
19 However , what we begin to learn from this pattern is that as we move away from some relationships , we start to form others as part of a ‘ natural effect ’ ; and so the cycle of attachment and separation continues in the pattern of our lives .
20 Modern dietary trends are making us healthier in many respects and yet , as we move away from calcium-rich foods like milk , cream and cheese , a valuable source of calcium is being lost .
21 Butler and Stokes " challenge any image of the elector as an informed spectator " , noting how " understanding of policy issues falls away very sharply indeed as we move outwards from those at the heart of political decision-making to the public at large " , and how attitudes are formed towards even the best-known policy issues to only a " limited degree " .
22 But Pepin had perhaps left his first-born , Charles , superior in power to Carloman , though they ruled jointly from 768 to 772 .
23 The snow was coming down in thick flakes , adding to the unreal appearance as they chugged slowly from one bank to the other , and she was delighted that they stopped at every single stop .
24 Now , as they sat across from each other at the shady table with the heady scent of jasmine sweetening the hot air , Ruth know that it could n't go on like this much longer .
25 Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Moussa carried a new version of an announcement on recognition with him when he returned home from hastily-arranged talks in Israel .
26 The huge lock Mesake Rasari , one of the fastest men on show , set the scene when he motored home from halfway .
27 It had done him no good , but the same quality was to stand him in good stead when he turned away from international relations to the many domestic difficulties which the war had engendered or highlighted .
28 The nearest one can get to a level equivalence is to say that it is at roughly A Level standard , though it differs hugely from any actual A Level examination , and this comparison should not be taken too literally .
29 Together with evidence from boreholes drilled through continental-margin deposits , investigations using seismic stratigraphy have shown that most passive margins support a wedge of sediment which becomes gradually thinner as it passes seawards from continental to oceanic lithosphere ( Fig. 4.14 ) .
30 Perhaps more significant is the thickening of oceanic lithosphere as it moves away from mid-oceanic ridges .
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