Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't mind shopping on Saturday when I 've got the money , but I do n't like it during the week — I 'm usually broke by Monday — so I keep it down to a minimum .
2 Angela , 19 , from Woolton and presently studying medicine at Nottingham University , says : ‘ I had all the classic symptoms of flu so I put it down to that .
3 You ca n't do it in one go , so you split it down into bits .
4 So it meant every quarter of an hour you were asking a man to record his numbers , so we boiled it down to termini .
5 So they put it down to a prowler , probably a junkie after drugs .
6 and the last time he said take it away for a week and see if it 's any better , so he took it away and it were no better so he took it down to Paul and somebody from come and had a look at it and said it 's injector problems
7 so if I bring them down on the floor , you know that if they say maybe naughty
8 If I carry you down to the garden I shall expect your life story in full , a complete and truthful exposé . ’
9 Supposing she let them down after dear Franz Busacher had connived and wheedled to make her acceptable to Gesner ?
10 Great Aunt S was simply pouring her tea into the saucer , whereupon she drank it down with a loud slurp .
11 If you bring him down about
12 like if you take them down to six
13 And then if it if if we have it down in reception for a bit , er and it works and does n't look like falling to bits , the we could consider taking it along to the Newark Show as well .
14 Until he cut it down in later years , his run-up was extremely long — and his saunter back to his mark extremely slow — but the speed that it generated undoubtedly justified the length , and the grace of it all was an aesthetic delight .
15 He does n't care if he drags us down with him , as long as he clears his precious name !
16 Till you put it down on a on a field .
17 Yeah well by then you 'd , you 'd already messed him up , she must 've got him to sleep before she put him down in the cot did she ?
18 ‘ I think Stephen wanted James to see the site first thing this morning before you took us down to the house , ’ Elaine said , and helped herself to a warm bun which she tore open , spreading it thickly with butter and lime jelly .
19 But he is also an American and before he guns you down in cold blood , in the manner you so justly deserve I might add , I 'm sure he will see his way clear to giving you a dying request . ’
20 He seemed to know so much about fighting that I was very surprised when I knocked him down with my first hit , and then again with my second .
21 Becky did not flinch from the cold water but took a deep breath as I lowered her down beneath Our Lady 's statue .
22 Here , let me' As I put it down on the table I saw that her initials were etched on the flap in black .
23 For the last year , I have had little time for writing , though I get something down on paper when I can .
24 Till May came and the day came When she wore 'em down to Shoreham , But nobody was for 'em So she wore 'em nevermore …
25 When she threw herself down on the grass , he had expected Underwood to take advantage of the situation , but he sat upright and apart .
26 Leonora felt very subdued as she followed him down to the relatively peaceful little beach of Lee Haven , where years before Joshua Probert had built a safe anchorage for his boats .
27 Millie had come into the room carrying a tin tray , and as she put it down on the table , she looked from one to the other and said , ‘ What are you talkin' about , closed schools ?
28 You can give her what she wants as long as she puts it down on the as long it 's over fifty you can give her what you want .
29 ‘ Some charm , ’ she muttered as she threw herself down on the bed .
30 Blood-red were his spurs i " the golden noon ; wine-red was his velvet coat ; When they shot him down on the highway ,
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