Example sentences of "[subord] [det] have [adv] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The plaintiffs submitted that , although that had not been done , it was evidence of an intention to act against the interest of Jarrad 's shareholders .
2 Indeed , this had not gone unnoticed by those on the governing body as one person remarked that she ‘ had the clenched fist on the side of the car ’ although this had not been mentioned at the interview .
3 Gorbachev ordered Chief of Staff Gen. Mikhail Moiseyev to withdraw troops to barracks , although this had already been done .
4 Although this had initially been rejected out of hand by Clasper , he had been left in no doubt that his members would hold their own mass meeting without him if he chose not to call it .
5 Although this has clearly been recognised as a ground of challenge for abuse of power ( see Anisminic , for example ) , it is difficult to find examples where it stands alone as the ground for attacking the decision .
6 It claims to have its own solution , although this has not been made public .
7 He also found it unacceptable that ‘ although this has not been set down in black and white , the West is clearly inclined to have the conference discuss the regime existing in Afghanistan , and the character of Soviet-Afghan relations ’ .
8 It may also be worth trying a herbal tea , called taheebo or pau d'arco — it is said to have anti-fungal properties , although this has not been verified scientifically .
9 There has tended to be an increase in confidence within IIAs , although this has rarely been matched by increasing private-sector investment .
10 The British minister is also empowered to issue ‘ general directions ’ in the national interest , although this has rarely been used , or specific directions to the British Railways Board : for example in the interests of ‘ national defence ’ , or to ‘ discontinue any of their activities , dispose of any part of their undertaking , dispose of any assets held by them … ’
11 It was generally believed that there was some animosity between ‘ Lenny ’ and Herbert von Karajan , although this has never been shown to be true , so the atmosphere in the Philharmonie was electric .
12 Somewhat interestingly , no exact passenger figures were detailed in the 1991 DVR report and accounts although this has always been shown in previous years .
13 As well as the Lewisian orthogneisses described above , several outcrops of metamorphic rocks occur which were undoubtedly derived from sedimentary rocks , and the old term paragneiss has been used to describe these , although this has now been superseded by the simpler term metasediments .
14 The wheel pit still exists although this has now been concreted up to the level of the existing floor .
15 Once such has recently been copied from a well-known initiative in New York whereby the rehabilitation organization guarantees to the employer that an identified job will be done satisfactorily .
16 The succession at the margin of the platform appears to be composed mainly of oolitic grainstones , although these have only been described so far from Poland ( Peryt et al. 1978 ) .
17 Yet in a former Durham pit village , although all had either been made redundant or been forced out of work by ill-health , a group of miners were so sustained by the community network of neighbours and relatives that giving up work seemed a positive blessing .
18 If this has not been done , consult the LIFESPAN Manager , and request the required facilities be made available .
19 If dealing with a large number of candidates you may like to ask the candidate if you may take a polaroid picture for the application form if this has not been supplied already .
20 If this has not been set , this will be NONE .
21 BR will be divided into an infrastructure authority , called Railtrack , and a residuary body to run passenger services until these have all been franchised to private operators .
22 Finally , where there are important divisions between kinds of culture and society , one might well expect systematic differences between the associated languages for example , it is likely that literacy has systematic effects on the lexical , syntactic and semantic structure of languages , even if these have never been spelt out ( see Goody , 1977 ) .
23 The banker is not the reserves of the Police Authority , because that has now been transferred to the authority .
24 Opening was postponed because these had not been built and , after the war , the station lay in a ‘ green belt ’ and the housing could not be built … so end of story : An ‘ unopened station ’ .
25 Plainly national security can not have been at stake since that had already been damaged .
26 While this has just been confirmed for the next 10 years , until recently there was some doubt as to whether it would be renewed .
27 While this has sometimes been aimed at the complete subversion and overthrow of the established political order , as in the case of the Bader-Meinhoff group in West Germany and the Italian Red Brigades , more recently it is concern over nuclear weapons , and specifically the installation of cruise missiles that has engendered extra-constitutional forms of dissent both in this country and abroad .
28 In your advert give the name of the person to whom the reply is to be made since this has also been found to be a positive factor in encouraging people to reply .
29 Again no reference will be made to party authorities in the guberniia capital , since this has already been done for Smolensk .
30 In the absence of the Orkney guidelines , she asked to be told which guidelines had been used , and whether these had ever been placed before the Island 's Social Work Committee for their approval .
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