Example sentences of "[subord] [det] [Wh pn] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Narrow staircases , infested with mouse droppings , where those who had no money whatsoever huddled on the steps for shelter , coming like wraiths in the night when they were less likely to be turned away , and drifting off again in the early morning .
2 Contemporary critics and writers ( except those who acknowledged no relationship between the work of Picasso and Braque and that of the other figures of the movement ) , however , were almost unanimous in proclaiming Picasso as founder and leader of the movement .
3 Young men who had a maximum oral hygiene index of 6 had a risk of dying 3.4 times higher than those who had a hygiene index of 0 .
4 To date it has been the keepers of the government 's cheque books rather than those who conduct the nation 's health checks who have dictated policy over drinking water .
5 Dr Benton found that in trials , university students who sat tests two hours after breakfast performed Medical Correspondent better than those who started the day on empty stomachs .
6 They are practices which ensure that those who have the advantage of a network of friends and relations in secure employment will have a better chance of obtaining jobs than those who have a network of friends and relations who have suffered long-term unemployment .
7 They are responsible about their productive processes and they are responsible about the design of car engines and we are told that the market will find ways to deal with this , but surely it can not , for after all the market is mindless , so it can not take into account either the future or the needs and wishes of people other than those who have the purchasing power for immediate consumption .
8 This was included , no doubt , because those who drafted the convention wished to avoid the patenting of living matter , although an exception was made for microbiolgoical processes .
9 And because those who see the present as a mere extension of the past usually come a cropper .
10 Those adjudged to be Kenyan citizens were issued with a special Kenyan-Somali identity card , while those who failed the screening were liable to summary detention and deportation .
11 Perhaps somewhat simplistically , those who favour prohibitions on insider dealing tend to take a lawyer 's perspective , emphasising issues of fairness and justice ; while those who advocate a removal of regulatory controls tend to adopt an economist 's approach , which focuses on efficiency gains and the creation of desirable incentives .
12 Once rural bus services are subsidized they become vulnerable to withdrawal by councils dominated by car-owners wishing to limit increases in the rates , while those who need the service are often without a voice at County Hall .
13 This has the great advantage that , from S1 , able pupils can be moved into a more challenging group , while those who find the pace too fast can be given the chance to catch up before they become discouraged .
14 From society 's point of view the only question is whether those who had the benefit of these excellent libraries in the forces will have the same access to books when they leave .
15 Two car bombs in Karachi kill 72 and injure 250 ; the authorities blame ‘ saboteurs of foreign origin ’ ( in the presence of such disasters , it takes a certain frivolity to care whether those who perpetrated the act were natives or not ) .
16 Those who created nuclear physics were as innocent of ulterior motivation as those who distilled a knowledge of the administration and society of ancient Egypt and Assyria from cuneiform inscriptions or Greek papyri .
17 As long as those who use the concept of structured dependency continue to make the automatic association of retirement with dependency , and of work with independence , they will continue to bolster conservative notions of the competitive work ethic .
18 There are those that fulfil their childhood dreams , those that are talented and reach their goals early in life and are penalized because of their youth , as well as those who lack the courage to make their dreams a reality .
19 It 's an invigorating concept because it involves going out and searching for new stories , new voices , new views , the articulate in the community as well as those who have no voice .
20 Second-class citizen ! goes up in neon lights when those who use the pronunciation of the streets and not of the written word open their mouths .
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