Example sentences of "[subord] [noun pl] were [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A light came on whenever a subject paused for longer than 600 milliseconds , although subjects were merely told that the light indicated when their story-telling was poor .
2 Differences on European defence policy [ see pp. 37931 ; 38022 ; 38155 ; 38216 ; 38295 ; 38313 ] emerged over Franco-German plans for a European force based in Strasbourg [ see p. 38554 ] , although responses were sufficiently guarded as to suggest a reluctance to revive transatlantic splits in NATO .
3 We evaluated as many young boys as young girls for constipation , but twice as many boys than girls had soiling at follow up , while 1.8 times more girls than boys were still constipated or receiving laxatives for constipation at follow up .
4 It seemed to suggest that the GLC and the LTE must try to break even , a course which was certainly feasible if fares were sufficiently increased and services sufficiently reduced , but which was politically as unacceptable to the government as it was anathema to the GLC .
5 How would the implications of this model be changed if prices were temporarily fixed or ‘ sticky ’ ?
6 Moreover , because employees were typically trained as single-skill operatives for a particular type of ( often ) enterprise-specific technology their acquired skills were largely non-transferable .
7 While skirts were still rustling and prayer-books being closed , he shouted : " Cholera ! "
8 Regan and Stewart ( 1982 ) had also earlier argued that they had insufficient legitimacy since members were neither elected or selected on the basis of expert knowledge , prerequisites of authority .
9 Mr Johnstone said the group could no longer guarantee a bed for life regardless of whether residents were privately funded or eligible for income support .
10 " Right then , " he said , when operations were satisfactorily completed and he had taken a swill of ale , " let's not back and fill , let's have everything full and by . "
11 This is not , however the perk it seems , as clients were perpetually dreaming and plotting to stop dealing with Harvard .
12 Forty years later , when viruses were better known and several people had attributed viral origins to some tumours and perhaps leukaemia , the paper was rediscovered .
13 Many more people were missing as villages were either flattened or submerged in landslides in the forested region of San Martín , where the regional capital , Moyobamba , was severely damaged .
14 The fact is that , in an age when players were never encouraged or expected to be adaptable , the only positions that Billy did not fill for us at one time or another were those of goalkeeper , centre-forward and centre-half .
15 My room , like the front , was lit by a gas jet and had a small cast-iron fireplace , though fires were only lit when someone was seriously ill .
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