Example sentences of "[subord] [noun pl] are [vb pp] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Women are under more ideological pressure to maintain a perfect home in owner-occupied property , where standards are seen to be the individual responsibility of the owners , rather than being outside a tenant 's control as in rented property , although of course women in all forms of accommodation are subjected to these pressures .
2 Where children are considered to be ‘ at risk ’ within their families , the social service agencies have a statutory duty to monitor their continued safety , and to co-ordinate services to help their families look after them properly .
3 At the bottom of the hierarchy of the production structure , where spirits are assumed to be crushed , have come a new army of workers — fresh , vivacious and increasingly angry .
4 Although creeks are thought to be largely areas of non-deposition rather than areas of erosion , the scour of the tide along them may cause some lateral erosion and water draining at times of very high tides from areas behind the zone of creeks may plunge into the heads of the creeks and so cause a certain amount of headward erosion .
5 Even if hospitals are shown to be overused , WHO policy assumes that the people using hospitals ‘ should ’ be using the health centres .
6 And I think that there is a very strong argument erm for getting women in the cabinet on the basis that if women are seen to be in the cabinet they are seen as competent , they 're seen as excellent politicians , and that 's why I go for a form of positive discrimination , which is that if you 've got two people who are equally well qualified , and if erm Mr Major decided that a man and a women were equally well qualified , then I think he should have chosen the woman erm
7 Because viruses are known to be implicated in the development of certain cancers , it was natural to investigate any possible relationship between herpes infection of the cervix and cervical cancer .
8 Co-operatives , however , are not dealt with by the Act because co-operatives are considered to be part of the socialist economy and rights of members constitute a peculiar socialist form of property .
9 This could in turn explain why a higher proportion of experimental eggs were rejected at Santa Fe than at Guadix , because hosts are known to be more likely to reject alien eggs when they are alerted by encounters with the adult parasite in the vicinity of their nest .
10 Because the state assumes that women are men 's natural dependants , widows benefits are reasonably generous , whereas widowers are expected to be earning or receiving some form of social security in their own right .
11 Since individuals are said to be altogether determined , constraints must be found to explain all their actions and intentions .
12 Tipler 's description of a working time machine is a cylinder with the density of a neutron star , 100 km long and 10 km in radius , rotation twice every millisecond ( New Scientist , vol. 87 , p 654 ) , superficially , such an object would be a lot like a fast pulsar , since pulsars are thought to be rotation neutron stars , but the fastest pulsar known when Tipler made his calculations was the Crab pulsar , with a period of 30 milliseconds .
13 Since leakages are assumed to be related to income , and injections are assumed exogenous , then variations in income equate total income and expenditure flows in the circular flow model .
14 When a government is weak and under pressure and when policies are seen to be failing , little authority may attach to a Prime Minister and the advantages of office are rapidly turned to personal disadvantage .
15 If this view is held then it makes sense to borrow funds now at low rates to obviate the need for borrowing later , when funds are expected to be more expensive .
16 In such models the policy ineffectiveness proposition no longer holds , even though expectations are assumed to be rational .
17 When sounds are said to be ‘ voiced ’ , they are produced with vibration .
18 Care should be taken when items are claimed to be damaged ‘ beyond economic repair ’ particularly if the confirmation is received from a firm which has not been heard of previously .
19 The gay love scenes were sensitively filmed , although the men had to wear boxer shorts for the US version as Americans are said to be touchy about testicles .
20 The imaginary antagonist next argues that the argument contains a contradiction — namely , that as men are held to be primarily governed by their emotions in the attachment they have to religion , rationality will be of no avail against it .
21 The plans come as ministers are understood to be finalising plans for legislation to introduce voluntary membership of student unions , with a bill likely next parliamentary session .
22 The plans come as ministers are understood to be finalising plans for legislation to introduce voluntary membership of student unions , with a bill likely in the next parliamentary session .
23 As yet , no definitive decision has been made as to the microkernel that will be used for new versions of OS/2 , though developers are known to be working with the Carnegie-Mellon University 's Mach 3 microkernel ; in addition , there is the possibility that IBM might use the NT kernel — ‘ we could use the NT microkernel if we wanted to ’ , it said .
24 Opposition from vested interests will be intense , but no one should underestimate the power of the goodwill that survives to be tapped as soon as politicians are seen to be moving in the right direction .
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