Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 From the dairy yard where Friesian cows wait to be milked , fields stretch a mile and a half to a distant hill .
2 Scissors with fine , sharp blades are equally essential for découpage , where complicated shapes have to be cut from paper .
3 Thus in university towns and cities , there is often comparatively little gonorrhoea compared with the large urban areas , where shifting populations seem to be one of the reasons for an increased prevalence of the venereal diseases .
4 This , combined with the greater flexibility in defining dominance , leads to a European approach based more on the effects of , rather than on the formal structure of monopoly , as distinct from the situation in the UK where structural criteria have to be satisfied before investigation can proceed .
5 With the present depressed economic climate , economic rather than social costs tend to be stressed and it is noticeable that even though accounting is masked in its own technical language it can have quite profound consequences in the political sphere .
6 They found there was good agreement between both groups , although social workers tended to be more cautious in their judgements .
7 But even in Etruria , although different processes had to be synchronised , the rhythm of labour was still determined by hand work .
8 Although printed indexes tend to be either controlled or natural language , many large databases can now be searched in both ways .
9 The main reason for the better than expected results appeared to be a delay in expenditure by the regional governments but in the longer term he said that cuts in public expenditure had helped to reduce the budget deficit from a peak of almost 13 per cent of gross national product ( GNP ) in 1982 to 7.8 per cent in 1988 and 6.6 per cent in 1989 .
10 During the next two years , although Anglo-papal relations continued to be strained by a number of minor irritations , further serious disturbance was avoided .
11 If enclosed rooms have to be created , this may be better done — in the case of a house — by putting bedrooms and bathrooms on the ground floor or in a ‘ stack ’ at one end .
12 I expect to see the trend continue if sensible policies continue to be pursued .
13 Indeed , the principle serves administrative interests well , for if standard conditions designed to be equitable as between apparently similar dischargers are routinely applied , the discharger who wishes to appeal against the standards imposed in his case is probably in a weak position if the agency is able to show the Minister that the standards were those typically in force .
14 There are two drawbacks — the first is that this approach is inappropriate if quick decisions have to be made .
15 If International Relations aspires to be a science , it must be open-minded about what that entails .
16 However he went on in an important passage to say that if contractual restrictions appear to be unnecessary or to be reasonably capable of enforcement in an oppressive manner then they must be justified before they can be enforced .
17 The purpose of the system is defeated if manual records have to be retained or if special letters are written which by-pass the system .
18 The accent is on travel and all forms of communication — however , as a word of warning , do n't be too surprised if certain plans have to be shelved or if an offer is suddenly withdrawn .
19 Both Selby and the new Asfordby super-pit could be closed overnight if roof-bolt techniques have to be abandoned .
20 This in essence meant that one digit in a sequence ( usually 9 or Z ) was used solely for the purpose of continuing that sequence further if new editions needed to be made .
21 We are grateful for some help received to date from QP and if other friends wish to be identified with the work in a practical manner , this would be much appreciated .
22 Those who start off their married life in shared accommodation or in the local authority sector were more likely to experience marital breakdown later , even if other factors known to be associated with marital breakdown , such as age at marriage and childbearing patterns , are controlled for ; this excess risk for tenants being of the order of 30 per cent greater than for owner-occupiers ( Thornes and Collard , 1979 ; Murphy , 1985 , Table 7 ) .
23 If special arrangements have to be made a note in the diary will remind the duty manager when VIPs or CIPs are due to arrive .
24 Ideally this type of assessment begins when the patient is admitted to hospital so that there is adequate time for planning if special arrangements have to be made prior to the patient going home .
25 Because regional variations tend to be more pronounced among working-class speakers , it is also a class variation .
26 It was delayed because extra carriages had to be found for the unexpectedly large number of emigres .
27 A tight-fitting cover or better still cling film will help reduce the deaths because cold draughts seem to be partly to blame .
28 To fight damp when it is constantly present means laying out vast sums of money on coal or coke , which become more expensive because small quantities have to be purchased for want of ready money to meet large bills .
29 Making arms does create jobs because new factories need to be built and run .
30 One of the most common practical problems at the time of someone 's death is that there are lots of extra expenses involved and yet it is not possible to get hold of cash or obtain access to funds because financial accounts have to be reorganized following the death of the person concerned .
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