Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [subord] he have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This concept did not become clear in Darwin 's mind until long after he had left the Galapagos .
2 The number of people to whom he is a friend , if not because he has met them but because they know of the good works that he has done not only in Britain but throughout the world , must run into many hundreds of thousands .
3 His persistent returns to the fray helped to drive Thomson to an early grave-though not before he had succeeded in getting Palmer promoted out of Nigeria .
4 They included Henri de Lubac , later to be raised to the rank of cardinal , though only after he had retreated from the more extreme position on the relationship between nature and grace he had adopted in 1946 in his book Surnaturel ; Marie-Dominique Chenu , one of whose books was placed on the Index in 1942 for daring to suggest that Thomas Aquinas ought to be studied against the history of his times ; and Yves Congar , who survived to become one of the leading theologians of Vatican II .
5 As soon as he 'd seen Buzz safely on the plane to Nice , he planned to drive back to London , where he would telephone Annabel in New York before seeing Miranda .
6 He 'd known Lucy 's room as soon as he 'd seen it .
7 He knew as soon as he 'd said it that he was in trouble .
8 As soon as he 'd said it , he thought how unbearably old-fashioned it sounded .
9 as so , more or less as soon as he 'd said hello he said erm thirty two and two minutes past the hour , they 're your trains .
10 As soon as he 'd gone that was when I called the police .
11 As soon as he 'd gone , Sandy lay back on the waterbed .
12 As soon as he 'd gone , Reggie touched me on the arm .
13 As soon as he 'd gone she seized the crutch he 'd brought up , and , hobbling into the bathroom , closed the door with a bang .
14 As soon as he 'd hung up the phone , he gathered up the toys and slung them , Hamleys bag and all , under the bed .
15 As soon as he 'd turned away , Trish slipped in beside her and Caroline angled her head to the other girl 's .
16 As soon as he 'd asked the question , Culley knew the answer .
17 As soon as he 'd switched the light off , Zeno had taken the same route through the yard as Sophie had done a little earlier .
18 But she knew that in the last resort if he did I would do it , but he 's , he 's paid off now as soon as he 'd paid off he went on the dole again
19 " You mean come oop and — " ow you zay — zee you zome time ? " he said , in a good mood , making a silly French voice which he started to regret almost as soon as he 'd spoken .
20 As soon as he had apprehended any kidnappers , the state prosecutor moved in on the hostages and he never saw them again .
21 Ruth had lost all sense of direction as soon as he had gripped her hand so fiercely ; she just teetered after him in her high-heeled sandals .
22 At this Maria Candida , who had been listening on the stairs , let out a wail of joy at the thought that she would be seeing Portugal again ; Leonora went to embrace her daughter and whisper her blessings , while Gerald , who knew when he was beaten and was never any good in emotional situations , announced that he had important business in the castle yard , and would return as soon as he had attended to it .
23 Fighting erupted in Beirut yesterday shortly after President Elias Hrawi was quoted as saying that Syrian troops would leave parts of Lebanon as soon as he had overcome the resistance of troops of General Michel Aoun in the Christian enclave .
24 He had realised as soon as he had employed Michael that he had found himself a kindred spirit .
25 At dinner he was utterly silent and tried to leave as soon as he had eaten sufficient but before the table was cleared .
26 He had stripped off his shirt as soon as he had joined in .
27 As soon as he had received news of the death of Professor Khan he had requested a meeting with the Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council , at the Chairman 's earliest convenience .
28 As soon as he had gone a furious argument broke out .
29 Declining to lie , she let the priest take her home , planning to swear the maid to secrecy and slip out of the back door again as soon as he had gone .
30 As soon as he had gone , Emmie raced down the garden to the boathouse .
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