Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 She saw more than enough in the guilt and pleasure on his face to make questions redundant .
2 Some species have benefited from the change in the downland agricultural scene , and Corn Buntings and Skylarks are now more numerous in these areas than elsewhere in the county and are the most characteristic birds of the downland .
3 The analogy has been drawn more than once between the hacker and the dedicated musician .
4 There is now more traffic than ever on the route and any hold-ups will spill on to the surrounding routes .
5 Also on Dec. 20 the general view was expressed within the TNC that the scene was now set for the major effort necessary to secure a substantial result over the next 11 months , although both within the TNC and ( on Dec. 19-20 ) within the Group of Negotiations on Goods ( GNG ) various participants voiced concern at a lack of balance in the progress achieved in certain negotiating groups , at developments in the market access groups ( especially relating to tariff reductions ) and at the devotion of insufficient attention to development issues in many parts of the negotiations .
6 Although far from the dust and heat of India , the Sikhs had come in their thousands , roosting like exotic birds on the chimney-pots and the concrete of Southall .
7 In a sense , a very basic one , the riots were political : " a groping desire to settle accounts with the rich , if only for a day and to achieve some rough kind of social justice " .
8 If one accepts this , even if only for the present and not as an inevitable fact for the future , then a responsibility lies with hearing society to meet not only the communication requirements of deaf people but also to understand and be able to work with this group in their language .
9 She needed to live his life with him , if only through the eyes and ears of her dearest friend .
10 But I 'm not gon na worry about that until halfway through the week and then I 'll write to them .
11 Balance Health & Beauty Salon is open seven days a week until late in the evenings and the emphasis there is on rebalancing mind , body and spirit .
12 But one of the offices in the area must have been undergoing a thorough make-over , because along with the garbage and a tangled mess of strip aluminium and ceiling tiles he found a number of office throwouts that included a desk lamp with about five yards of trailing flex .
13 There is an alternative , more optimistic view that some people in education are expressing , which sees the current changes as somewhere between an irrelevance and a minor irritation in terms of their own aims and practices .
14 In succeeding years of wartime the annual conference continued to take place , though not at the seaside and not usually for a full week .
15 The provision of musical instruments in church should not be seen as solely for the accompaniment and embellishment of singing , but also for solo and ensemble playing before , during or after a service .
16 However , there is always the risk that they might not continue to perform as well in the future and , if there were a down-turn , the size of your pension could obviously be affected .
17 So whoever it was driving the silent car must have seen them before twisting the wheel , reversing against the dry grass and brambles , and driving away as quietly towards the castle and the village .
18 The soil in this area was as good as anywhere on the island and was noted for potatoes .
19 They did not and they could not think of themselves as remotely like a frog and a princess , yet mental shapes similar in heritage or configuration managed to creep stealthily up in between the tangles of their individual cells .
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