Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] had been [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Deirdre joined the literature committee in 1985 after the closure of Craiglockhart College of Education , where she had been principal lecturer in English , and so began a second career .
2 Where there had been one figure faintly outlined in the frame of the staging there were now two — one large , obviously Jotan , and one much smaller , a child Alexei thought until he saw the muscular build and shortened legs and realised that Jotan had caught a dwarf .
3 11.2 In relation to commercial exploitation the Non-academic Parties and the Academic Parties agree that the terms and conditions for exploitation of and licenses granted under intellectual property rights in results deriving from the Academic Parties shall have regard to the extent to which such results are incorporated in or applied to the manufacture of commercially exploited products ( particularly where there had been substantial product development outside the project ) and to the SERC guidelines which are set out in a letter from SERC dated 13 August 1984 , together with its attachments .
4 So , whatever else followed in the wretched little saga that I am about to describe , it is crystal clear that , right from the outset , the real object behind the Government 's manoeuvrings was the cutting back — indeed , the large-scale elimination — of people 's entitlement to back payments of benefits where there had been official error .
5 They came to Bedford from the Luton Public Assistance Institution where they had been assistant master and assistant matron .
6 He had been educated at Westminster Abbey Choir School , where he had been senior chorister at the time of the Coronation of King George V , and at Westminster School , whence he proceeded to St. John 's College , Cambridge .
7 Although there had been considerable growth in Russian manufacturing industry between 1880 and 1914 , by any criteria it was still quite inadequate to cope with the strains imposed on it by modern industrialised warfare .
8 In the case of the Ks , the SMG claimed the police had been slow to take statements and prepare cases , and that , inexplicably , weeks elapsed before anyone was charged with the December attack on Anoup K although there had been clear identification .
9 There were more seagulls than there had been that morning , on the cliffs and on the sea itself .
10 ‘ Leith , ’ he said , but his look was no warmer , no less arrogant than it had been all morning , ‘ you do n't … ’ he went on , and seemed slightly stuck for words .
11 On leaving the stall they plunged into the hall which was bedlam , and far fuller than it had been that morning .
12 The ground fire was much worse than it had been that morning .
13 The marsh-mist was far denser than it had been last night , and there was nothing solid to give direction anywhere .
14 She climbed down , aware suddenly of how close he was to her , closer than he had been all morning , and when she turned , it was to find him looking down at her , a strange expression in his eyes .
15 If you had been Chief Onlaf , in which order of importance would you have placed the seven requirements for a suitable village site ?
16 Incidentally the lesson would have been better if there had been more tape recorders in the school and if the tape had been ready at the right moment .
17 A petition organized by the Jewish people 's Council against Fascism and Anti-Semitism collected 77,000 signatures in two days ; it was felt that if there had been more time over a quarter of a million would have signed against Mosley 's proposed demonstration .
18 Things might have been different if there had been more consultation with industry people across the board .
19 If there had been less enthusiasm among the congregation for ufology , maybe they would have devised a public punishment for me .
20 The police officer agreed Anderson would have been charged at that stage if there had been sufficient evidence .
21 Then , just when I was wondering if there had been some mistake , a man came up full of apologies , ‘ I 'm so sorry , ’ he said .
22 I mean , even if there had been some war I did believe worth fighting , if I 'd been called up or something , I 'm a coward , I 'm just not physically capable .
23 Endemic to that problem , even if there had been some certainty about previous spends , is the unpredictability about future trends : ten unforeseen multi-handicapped users can throw budgets completely out of kilter .
24 He had kept on and on about those keys , although she had been deaf to his insistence ; he had come several miles to catch her at home and seize a chance to rifle her bag for them ; if there had been any purpose to the meeting at the Old Mitre it might have been to get the keys .
25 If there had been any apprehension involving the time taken to complete the recording , there is certainly none reflected in the finished product .
26 If there had been any chance ever of the rescues ' succeeding , that perception would have destroyed it .
27 But if there had been any doubt in my mind it would have been immediately resolved by my first breath of the crisp , tangy air .
28 If there had been any money in the first place .
29 An important aim of the study was to see if there had been any growth in the use of temporary working in Britain in recent years .
30 Intriguing but unimportant differences were that the Earth spun much faster in those early days — so the days and nights were much shorter ; and the moon was much closer , so it would have appeared vast in the sky ( if there had been any creature to observe it ) and the tides would have been far more dramatic .
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