Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] had the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is a measure of the fundamental instincts of Citrine and his colleagues that , where they had the greater power to centralise , it was centralisation , and not devolved responsibility , which was their watchword .
2 Compared to all the other seven departments the ‘ stagnated ’ had the lowest score on all dimensions except ‘ challenge ’ ( where it was in the middle ) and ‘ conflicts ’ ( where it had the highest score ) .
3 We telephoned Mr Hector Charlesworth but he was , as yet , unable to take any remedial action , although I had the distinct impression that he would have liked to do so .
4 Something had to be found for the men to do with their time , so someone had the bright idea of introducing ‘ Cook 's Tours ’ — trips over France and Germany in a Lancaster for any of the non-flying staff who cared to take advantage of it , including Waafs .
5 When I came into the room , you were lying with the sheet half off you , so I had the full benefit of the sight of your virginal pyjamas . ’
6 This time , she was wearing a hat , which pulled her face back , somehow , and made a line round it , so that she looked older than she had the other night .
7 hers were the number the second one out , so she had the second choice
8 Right , so you had the motorized van and the horse
9 She looked all set to be a book-a-year person once she had the initial break .
10 But although it had the standard minute membership and tatty newspaper hawked erratically round student unions , shopping precincts and Tube stations , Big Flame was different .
11 ‘ I 'll find it , ’ I yelled back at him , then slipped an old Simply Red tape into the cassette just to annoy him , although it had the added advantage that I could n't hear him any more .
12 It looked tidier , neater than it had the previous day .
13 If we further take account of intergenerational differences , then the coefficient of variation over all generations , denoted by , is the weighted sum of individual plus the coefficient of variation obtained if everyone had the mean income of their generation ( the ‘ between-generations ’ inequality ) .
14 I doubt if I had the necessary day or so to spare .
15 I tried phoning you this lunchtime to ask about the above proposal , but I do n't even know if I had the right number , though I got through to it twice ; about five different people spoke to me uncomprehendingly , and eventually a man came to the phone and said ‘ Bratislava ’ ; I did n't know whether that meant I 'd got a Bratislava number , or that you 'd gone to Bratislava .
16 You see if I had the original identification I could at least match it up against a description . ’
17 That 's why you did n't hear any of the bobsleigh cos I had the bloody thing going
18 Cos I had the highest score .
19 Maggie looked at him ironically and the dark eyes were turned fully on her , inspecting her face until she had the mad urge to shut her eyes and block out the intent gaze .
20 ‘ You do n't look like you had the best time ever ! ’
21 if she had the first sign of anything .
22 If you had the inner relief road those figures would in fact therefore change quite dramatically in the same way that the A sixty one figures have changed .
23 If you had the additional capital to go all-out for a new start I 'd say it was almost a certainty .
24 It is if you had the other compound where this O H group was on carbon number two as well then those two would be positional isomers cos their carbon skeleton would then be the same and all they would differ is in the position of the O H functional group .
25 Prior to that the only way that you could get sweets was if you had the necessary ration coupons .
26 ‘ And this may be your villa , and your bed , but if you had the minutest atom of good manners or breeding you 'd get out of here right now and let me get some clothes on ! ’
27 More than two negative reasons for accepting a job can take a heavy toll on your resources of enthusiasm , particularly if you had the added disappointment of being turned down for the post you 'd really hoped for at the time .
28 I suspect that if we were to take a sensate tension structure such as the love-hate paradox that lies at the heart of Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet theme , we would be able to transpose it into different forms each appropriate to a particular culture , and , provided we had the necessary skill of course , we would be able to do this for all cultures in the world .
29 He worked for the council and was responsible for the sewage outfall until we had the new drainage scheme . ’
30 We could , then , presumably , if we had the relevant instrumentation , specify the place of the utterance in terms of a fine interaction of latitude and longitude .
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