Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] are [vb pp] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So you are set on it , then , ’ Guillamon said heavily .
2 That you as seller retain ownership of the goods until you are paid for them .
3 But the union just look on us as if we are employed by them .
4 Improvements to animal welfare and the environment can only come about if they are perceived by us to have added value , and this means that the animals must continue to work for their living and we must accept the short-term economic consequences of working towards explainable , more humane , agriculture .
5 It does not amount to an argument that staff should be conducting research as such ; merely that if they are engaged in it , there is an advantage to it being undertaken with an eye to their teaching commitments .
6 A Dispel card , other dispel , or even a drain magic , will not unfreeze water once it has been frozen , but any of the following Bright Magic spells will automatically unfreeze water if they are cast upon it : Piercing Bolts of Burning , the Burning Head , Conflagration of Doom , Fireball , Blast and Flamestorm .
7 There is no reason why computer systems should not have these features but only if they are designed into them .
8 This causes a reaction even after they have been entangled for the rabbits are inclined to bite at the net if they are left within it for too long .
9 Nonetheless , her gift is to write about her characters as if they are known to her : her stories unfold through their eyes , with no apparent authorial manipulation .
10 There s NO WAY they could do that , unless they are pressed for them .
11 Screaming and shouting are a help , though stress may be transferred to neighbours or family unless they are prepared for it .
12 Trudgill writes : speakers are not capable of acquiring the correct underlying phonological distinction unless they are exposed to it from the very beginning , before they themselves have even begun to speak .
13 Whether this actually demonstrates anything is debatable — we all have antibodies to Candida because we are exposed to it from birth , and a positive response to an intradermal test is seen in some healthy individuals .
14 ‘ She felt pressurised that she would be expected to be as career-orientated as she was before having the baby , ’ says Sandra , ‘ so she works with us because we are relaxed about it — if she does n't want to work on Wednesday , that 's fine , she can work on Friday instead .
15 Because they are copied from it directly ( with only minor changes ) , they make sense as individual sentences ; but they do not connect together , because they come from different places in the original book .
16 I am forced into it , as you are forced into yours . ’
17 You never lifted a sword before , yet you use one as though you are born to it . ’
18 When we are sinned against we have a decision either to forgive or harbour resentment .
19 In any event , it seems strange to penalise the good citizen , whose natural instinct is to trust the revenue and pay taxes when they are demanded of him .
20 Even when they are provided for it usually amounts to their being dumped on the few professionals from black and ethnic groups .
21 It seems to be established , and rightly so , that the criterion is not geographical — privilege does not attach to letters sent by constituents to a member , even though they are posted to him in the post office in the Lobby of the House of Commons ( Rivlin v Bilainkin [ 1953 ] 1 QB 485 ) .
22 Father we pray for Alan and Gaynor Stevens , and their family as they are prepared by You to serve in Rugby .
23 When the dust-laden wind meets an obstacle , the dust particles rarely strike the obstacle as they are diverted round it in the general air flow and so exert little or no erosive effect .
24 And so therefore if anybody has amendments that they wish to make to the deliverance as it is , we will take them if necessary one by one and vote for them as they are presented to us , and then we 'll come to any other counter motions that may be on hand .
25 This work laid the foundation for the later unravelling of the interior structure of the earth , through observation of the behaviour of seismic waves as they are transmitted through it from distant earthquakes .
26 List these assets and liabilities at random as they pop into your mind or as they are suggested to you by others .
27 Their unhesitating assumption that they contain all life as much as they are contained by it has helped them forge what to our eyes is an almost supernatural intimacy with their forests and creatures .
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