Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] might [vb infin] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When unemployment was bad those without alternative income returned to their native villages , where they might rely for support on family or communal networks .
2 It has even refused to injunct a magazine which had published an allegation it could not justify , where it might succeed at trial for other reasons : Soraya Kashoggi sought an injunction to withdraw " Woman 's Own " from circulation when it published a statement that she was having an extra-marital affair with a Head of State .
3 Although we might try to decision method , the overall stress of the Secretary of State 's decision methods , as they affect North Yorkshire , is that there must be some limit er to migration largely for environmental considerations and indeed , the panel in nineteen eighty seven were very concerned that er migration would not be slowed quickly enough er in North Yorkshire .
4 On the contrary , by correcting himself in this way the author is making a particular point : that although the occasion might have been regarded as a performance by some , that although it might have in time become a performance , this description is not an accurate representation of the narrator 's memories .
5 The government is reviewing the cases of about 60 people sentenced for political or security offences to see if they might qualify for pardon .
6 She could have been anywhere between twenty-five and forty , but Jezrael did n't care that her boss was n't wearing plastiface or that her hazel eyes looked like they might brim with mirth .
7 There had been an attempt at a revolution in Russia , but then nobody concerned themselves much with the eccentricities of the world south of Cathcart or east of Camlachie , unless it might touch on trade .
8 Just as you might decide to colour co-ordinate your curtains and cushions , why not try arranging your houseplants into effective colour schemes ?
9 This opinion was so absolutely contrary to the general view of the man that Chambers merely laughed , as anyone might laugh at eccentricity .
10 What Gandhi may be suggesting by the statement that the road one takes is unimportant provided the goal is achieved is that too much importance can be attached to particular religions , especially when it might result in exclusivist claims being made on behalf of those religions .
11 Not only does the USSR understand the reality of modern war ; she has been given — perhaps uniquely — a glimpse into war as it might occur in future .
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