Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] say that [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well Else read out this bit from a book by Billy Graham , The Secret of 'Appiness it 's called , where 'e says that a man told 'im 'e only took a bath once a week , and Billy Graham told 'im there was something wrong with 'is purity of heart . ’
2 David showed prudence in doing the things committed to him by Saul ; Job exemplified simplicity ( in the good sense ) for it was said of him that he was a simple man ; Solomon , in Proverbs , highlighted patience , where he said that a prince is made mellow by patience .
3 ‘ As to your first point , although I said that the members do n't necessarily all know each other , I have personally recognised every resident here in this Lodge .
4 On July 31 the Commission issued an " essentially positive " opinion ( or recommendation to EC governments ) on Austria 's application , although it said that the government needed to give assurances that its neutrality policy would not obstruct EC moves towards a common foreign and security policy .
5 He does n't seem to be embarrassed by anything , except when you try to provoke him by telling him that surely he must thump his desk once in a while , or that although he says that a record company exists ‘ to guide your artists ’ most of them must hate him at some point .
6 if I say that every time go and
7 I hope that my hon. Friend the Minister will forgive me if I say that the Treasury , as always , seems to have made rather heavy weather of this matter .
8 If I say that the sky is yellow , they say , ‘ Yes , Sir , you are right ’ .
9 There , there is planes , but there is no want the , the world 's most efficient because like I said that the efficiency changes at different , different level
10 But , as their pint-of-water escapades suggest , you could n't get further from the truth if you said that the NHS was a financially viable concern .
11 If you say that the Nationalists of Ireland have a right to claim to go out of the united Kingdom as a community if you say that five or six per cent of the whole of the United Kingdom have that right because they wish to have separate rule for themselves , how can you say that a body in Ireland , not five or six per cent , but twenty-five per cent of the whole population , has not an equal right to separate treatment ?
12 McTaggart comments : ‘ It might perhaps suffice if we say that the relation between the living body and the mental state must not be mediated by intervention of any other living body . ’
13 Probably , but he was hiding he would n't come out because he said that the men from outer space were after him .
14 PC /k is a closure principle because it says that a move from something known to something known to be implied by it does not take us outside the closed area of knowledge . )
15 I am disappointed with the amendment principally because it says that the Bill ’ fails to establish independent consumer ombudsmen ’ .
16 I 'm sure you 'll understand what I mean when I say that a reader in , for example , Moscow would find your book very difficult to relate to .
17 I have always managed to miss the occasional pairs that nest on the Union Canal near my home and I am relying on second-hand reports when I say that the drake whistles softly to his mate who makes raucous growling noises in return .
18 He said : ’ When I say that the Government are not positive , that is because they have sought no undertakings on regional policy , growth policy or employment policy . ’
19 That is what I mean when I say that the problems of crofting , and other rural problems , are in an odd , but very real sense , a national resource .
20 Lastly , I fear I may have to disappoint you when I say that the coin is more interesting than valuable .
21 I think I speak for the vast majority of the environmental health committee when I say that the abatement and noise pollution has been one of our ongoing major concerns in things for the last twelve months .
22 Like when someone says that the records you love are just plastic junk and they are the sort of people who read and rake in all that shit in the daily papers , then it makes me think that my daily intake of media is far superior to theirs .
23 What I was wondering was when you said that the dock stopped the money for payment for damages , they 'd paid it back to you .
24 You 're quite right , Karl , when you say that every seat was sold out last year for Gypsy Baron .
25 Can you give an example when you say that the law is designed ?
26 Mrs Zamzam is correct when she says that the villagers put tree trunks on the road but she seems to have forgotten why this was done .
27 The president , Cory Aquino , confirmed weeks of rumour on March 21st when she said that the ban on Mrs Marcos would be lifted so that she could go on trial in Manila , but only when the government had decided what to charge her with .
28 So a a a a as you say that the problem is that erm as this process gets under way and er i i s so , I , I think it 's , it 's not just absolute egalitarian in that everybody will get the same , I think there was an assumption that there would be enough for everybody becoming up to a middle peasant status .
29 She had become tougher on Creggan , saying that he must use what little space there was in his cage to practise flight — turning , wheeling , lifting himself again and again and again … for she said that the day might come when he would need those skills .
30 When we say that a child enjoys the security of a familiar story structure , what tools have we for analysing that structure ?
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