Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] have [adv] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Group A will be using the Stanley Library which is directly opposite where you 've just had coffee , and Group C will be using the Reception Room which is back towards the Porter 's Lodge on the right hand side .
2 In many cases they focused on areas which AEA had already identified as essential to our future success and where we had already initiated action .
3 But out here , on the high road , it was difficult to recall the purple and blue shadows and the firelight and the long oak table where they had all taken supper .
4 Adam had only picked the car up three days earlier from his boss at the Congleton , Cheshire , firm where he had just started work .
5 A metaphysics stressing the invariance of divine ideas created dissonance where it had once created harmony .
6 Up until the age of 33 , I managed to push this turmoil to the back of my mind , although I 'd always had trouble with relationships because I was so full of self-doubt , and succeeded in destroying any relationship that seemed to be leading anywhere .
7 Although I have severely criticized inductivist philosophies of science in this and the previous chapter , the arguments I have presented do not constitute an absolutely decisive refutation of that programme .
8 Mrs Singh filled them in although she had already expressed alarm at the number of notes she was going to have to write to the school .
9 They finally came down on the side of 36-year-old Anne Bancroft , although she had seldom played comedy , having made her name in such powerful dramas as The Miracle Worker and The Pumpkin Eater .
10 Fortunately the Aer Lingus 737 had delivered her from Heathrow in less than an hour , so she 'd barely had time to become bored .
11 And when I last looked at it , one question on behaviour modification had managed to creep on there as well but I ca n't remember what the question is , so you 'd better pay attention for the whole of the rest of this lecture in case I in case I remember it .
12 find out what they actually need which is the second part and to do that once you do that it 's quite easy , as I say once you 've actually made contact with them and you are on a friendly basis , you then , you can hold very very useful conversation and let them come over quite naturally .
13 Although we have already made use of the market model in the construction and evaluation of portfolios , we have not evaluated the model itself .
14 Judged on the attendance , the almost complete lack of sectarianism , the productive political discussion in the workshops , and the constructive criticism , the event was more of a success than we had ever dared hope for .
15 Right , let's go on a bit further , so we 've just done concussion , compression er the next one is an illness , epilepsy now epilepsy , two types , you get the petit mal which is the small fit and the grand mal which is the erm large fit or the full , full fit .
16 Although they have yet to resume ivory trading , the wildlife authorities in these states argue that a carefully-controlled trade based on the substantial " elephant surplus " in their parks would enable them to fund conservation work , including anti-poaching activities .
17 Although they have always had responsibility for trainees , this is to be made more formal within the framework of the basic training common core .
18 I did their first demos with them , and took the opportunity of telling them a few facts of life , saying that while it was nice to play guitar , if at the end of the line they were all broke then they were going to be very unhappy musicians who had missed their chance to be big , and so they had better take care of certain realities and do it right away .
19 I do n't I do n't believe it is erm at the mo well earlier this week a report was published by the National Commission on Education which was er an independent erm Commission that was set up erm and they they 've said that basically what we need to be doing is t if we 're trying to raise standards is to keep the idea of having an all graduate profess profession followed up by high quality for train training for teachers once they 've actually started work .
20 Although he had previously enjoyed support from Komeito and the DSP in addition to his own party , in December 1990 the Komeito chairman , Koshiro Ishida , had questioned the wisdom of a candidate of such " advanced age " .
21 Once the work was finished , much sooner than he 'd ever dared hope , Penry was left without occupation .
22 THOUGH FATHER MCGIFF ADMITTED to himself that he was no longer a youngster , he knew it was n't his age that had him suddenly welcoming autumn and winter far more than he had ever welcomed spring and summer .
23 Let me see if I 've still got pressure , see if we , see what you think got ta pick her up .
24 I felt as if I had just given birth .
25 Earlier I had felt as if I was being torn in two , but now the decision was made , I was floating on a warm tide of physical ease , as if I had just given birth .
26 ‘ Fuck off and leave you alone ! ’ echoed Quigley , as if I had just taken pi to sixteen decimal places off the top of my head .
27 The artist had fussed around while the thing was being loaded on my ship , babbling about how important it was and how delicate it was and so on , until I 'd just stopped listening .
28 Cos I 've sometimes caught bus up from other end , if I 've gone our Neil 's or summat .
29 She even dabs at her own dribble ; daintily she does it , like she 's just finished dinner .
30 Her hair was messed up as if she 'd come straight from bed , and her cheeks despite the coolness of the day were flushed as if she 'd recently made love .
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