Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [is] the [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In the earlier view a work was regarded as a more or less arbitrarily agglomerated collection of defamiliarizing devices , but now it becomes important to see it as an entity , a structure or a system where it is the system which determines what the function of a given device will be , whether it will be foregrounded or automatized .
2 This is why registration in Part A is preferable although it is the defendant who carries the burden of proof .
3 If she 's the lady I remember , she must be about a hundred now . ’
4 I read the words through first ; looks like it 's the statement our man phoned in after Sir Rufus was flame-grilled ; Welsh Nationalist extremists apparently claiming responsibility .
5 If it is the buyer he will have to give up goods ( or their value ) for which he has paid good money .
6 If it is the wife who dies , her personal representatives may not be aware of her interest in the house or may have difficulty in producing proof of the same , much to the detriment of her estate .
7 It is important here to note that Rule 3 applies only if it is the seller who is to do the weighing , measuring , testing , etc .
8 But , as already suggested , if it is the police who are doing the tapping what is the prospect of effective steps to stop it ?
9 If it is the intestine which is infected , the infection is transient and will not reach inside the egg , ’ he said .
10 This seems to imply that the section can not apply if it is the proceedings themselves which constitute the matter which is of general public interest .
11 Do not wear excessive jewellery , especially if it is the sort which jangles .
12 If it is the plaintiff who changes their story then things are even worse because you may have to replead the case .
13 ‘ The doctor tells us that if it 's the stuff he thinks it is , it can take a little while to work , especially if Sir Thomas drank coffee .
14 ‘ But what if it 's the document they 're after , Charlie ?
15 ‘ He 's a roofer , if it 's the person I 'm thinking of — he was probably inspecting the roof .
16 ‘ But if it 's the giants you 're wanting to fool , then it 'd be the grand old Draoicht Suan , ’ said Pumlumon , and the Gnomes nodded sagely and said that would be it , the Draoicht Suan it would be , the spell that had kept the Trees fast asleep for so many years now , and was n't it a powerful strong spell and Pumlumon the fellow to be spinning it for them all ?
17 if you 're gon na do that , I 'll tell ya if you switch it off and switch it back on again if , if it 's the problem I think it is it 'll cure it , if it 's which I do n't think it is , it 's the other one that 's incurable
18 If it 's the host you 're looking for , he 's long gone , too .
19 That 's like full of about dozen or so papers each one I think , if it 's the book I 'm thinking of , is about a different community or a different language er so you might find some information about Samoa where there 's a different societal hierarchical structure .
20 This is not unusual , particularly if it 's the female who 's killed , as the male would n't feed the young — that 's always the mother 's job .
21 ‘ Even if it 's the job I want to discuss with you ? ’
22 oh if it , if it was if it w if it was that one I think , I think there was some dis if , if it 's the thing I 'm thinking of there was some discrepancy , I think it was alright in the s on one occasion there was some stuff which I could n't find at the end
23 If he 's the Sharpe I think he is , sir , then he 's quite a celebrated soldier .
24 After supper there 's a choice of sticky cakes , coffee and exotic icecreams at a couple of beachside cafes , or late drinks and 70 's rock at the Louis ' blues bar — if he 's the guy who opens it again this year .
25 If he 's the reason you 're afraid of sex I 'd like to hear about it . ’
26 Is this great big painting , a mass of colours , you know , but a wonderful time , cos it 's the children you need
27 I said do you fancy going out tonight cos it 's The Bachelors who opened it
28 Letting the woman have responsibility to decide what to do with herself should be allowed because she is the person who knows most about the situation she is in — many of the Catholic Church 's leaders are male and have not experienced the disturbing and difficult situations many women face .
29 Because he 's the fellow who now acquires carpets for Liberty .
30 I told him I loved him because he 's the partner I chose for better or worse .
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