Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There 's a pub about four streets away from us where I used to go with my dad .
2 Want to get a 900 number , where people can call and get a message , where I can talk with them .
3 Come , let us leave these fruiting lovely valleys Where we have laboured , to the men who till them And start the journey to our cloud-wreathed home Where you will live with me among the gods In joy on lofty Olympus .
4 ‘ Upstairs there would be little cubicles where you could sit with your girl and have a drink .
5 It will bring the possibility of a new beginning where you can live with yourself .
6 She felt we should get her a healthier place , one where we could stay with her when we come over here . ’
7 I must leave it to economists to say how much they have learnt from his account , or where they would disagree with it .
8 After lunch he returned to his office where he would continue with his ordinary duties until the ritual of tea at four , when he would receive visitors .
9 I came with Matt , so I 'll return with him . ’
10 Mr Scott is here , so I 'll go with him and see you later …
11 Mum was given a choice : either to stay in the caravan they were living in and not have me home , or move into a flat so I could live with them .
12 The case history with which I am most familiar is my own , so I will start with myself :
13 Extraordinary as it may seem , it nevertheless is a fact that plants breathe through their roots , not in the same way as you and I with lungs , but the same chemical process of respiration goes on and , unless like seaweed and water lilies they are adapted to do so , plants can no more live in an airless waterlogged soil than you can live with your head under water .
14 Like any other gardener , the patient should be protected by anti-tetanus inoculations , so you should check with your doctor to make sure these are kept up to date .
15 I mean , well if you have n't got gauze in your first aid box , but you could have something like a Mediwipe or you might be able to use , open up your bandage and you can use , you know , several pieces of this , just keep going down the bandage and then you know clean it and get rid of that bit , okay , another clean bit okay , so you can adapt with whatever you 've got in your first aid box , yes , and you wo n't necessarily have scissors to hand so you 'll have to do whatever you 've got and the little Mediwipes are very useful for that , but do n't use one Mediwipe for seventy five grazes , okay , one Mediwipe for one wipe and then discard , okay ?
16 Okay so you can play with your own .
17 ‘ In a way it would be interesting to work in a country where you could n't speak the language so you could communicate with your eye and your camera , not your tongue .
18 This revolutionary conclusion , which is perhaps the most important for the general reader of The Origin , is one easily supported by modern anthropologists although they might disagree with him about what exactly will happen when the change comes or even whether this kind of change can be predicted .
19 I ask Isaac to take Asaad 's right hand so he 'll go with his Daddy .
20 When I suggest we finish the work tomorrow he says that he wo n't be able to sleep yet , so he 'll help with my room .
21 Susan suspected her quarry had decided to stop wearing his own face for a while , so he could deal with his guests .
22 ‘ I wonder if I might begin with my family , ’ she said .
23 The landlady was going out to see the workers among her hay some miles down the glen ; her man-servant ( the Hermit of Glencoe ) drove , and she asked if I would come with them as far as they went .
24 If I can lie with her once , thought Fergus , if I can taste the sweetness , if I can possess her just once , she will be forever mine …
25 Well my brother was in the Artillery and I thought well it be nice if I can get with him but that did n't work out that way .
26 Presently , he asks if I will go with him to Dublin .
27 I always got on with my daughter , but she 's in Canada now , so I asked my son if I could stay with him for a bit .
28 A short while after the alert had been called off for the missing officer , a CID friend contacted me to see if I could help with their ‘ enquiries ’ .
29 They 'd sent us home to see if I could live with me mam and dad , but it did n't last long .
30 that people were leaving the country. , my friend wrote to my niece in One House and asked her if I could live with her until I got fixed up in a home .
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