Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 In 1850 , as a newly appointed house surgeon to St George 's Hospital ( where he later became lecturer in anatomy ) he presented a paper to the Royal Society ‘ On the development of the optic and auditory nerves ’ .
2 using toluidine blue-stained tissue also failed to find aluminium or silicon in the plaque cores , despite using a technique ( laser microprobe mass analysis ) capable of parts-per-million sensitivity , although they consistently find aluminium in neurofibrillary tangles using this technique .
3 Through the Schola Cantorum , d'Indy and his colleague Charles Bordes did more than anyone else to promote interest in Rameau .
4 If she ever set foot in this house , I 'd walk out of it , ’ Mary continued .
5 If it occasionally had Cnut in difficulties , it also offered him considerable opportunities , and it is no less generous to the historian , who is better informed upon it than any other aspect of Cnut 's rule .
6 Florida 's Supreme Court ruled the men had no right to privacy because they willingly took part in criminal activities .
7 Personally I think whoever wrote the prospectus of Kidminster Green should be taken to court and charged with ‘ Gross Deceit of Parents and Pupils ’ because what actually takes place in the first twenty minutes of the school day bears absolutely no relation to what the prospectus claims should happen .
8 These two developments are for Marxists contradictory since they ultimately undermine capitalism in the form of crises of legitimacy and fiscal insolvency .
9 Something inside Merrill protested at the lie , but she went on stonily , ‘ I think I had your measure before I ever set foot in these offices .
10 My initial thoughts that the process of filming during the meetings and workshops might inhibit the participants from speaking their minds , was quickly dispelled when I later took part in several workshops at Highlander and discovered ( with some amazement ) , that the camera crew quickly became ‘ invisible ’ as people got their teeth into the subject matter .
11 Her mother had died when she most needed help in her development , with all the problems of adolescence .
12 Though they also put stuff in the air that made you passive .
13 Erm I 've mentioned one or two some of the industrial land policies as they er as they still stand policy in in structure plan policy I eight I think and particular policy I six does n't preclude reasonable and necessary development taking place in rural areas .
14 Gareth and Rachel Rowlands ( right ) allow visitors to walk round Brynllyys , their organic farm , freely as they always spend money in their shop .
15 But , as he always found room in his life for north Oxfordshire and his family , he also enjoyed setting down some of his local preoccupations and irritations .
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