Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [verb] [prep] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I see the sign saying Welcome to Inverness just as I remember where I left the car and where I left from this morning and just before I turn and stamp to the nearest desk and demand in my highest dudgeon to be taken to Edinburgh on a charted Lear if necessary or limoed immediately to the highest-starred hotel within a reasonable radius for a free overnight dinner , bed and breakfast and unlimited bar tab .
2 But where I thought of this part of the game as the worst , Ken positively savoured it .
3 Some were taken back to the dungeons of Black Crag where they remain to this day , to the anger of Kazador .
4 The documents obtained in this way were stored in an archive in Salamanca ( where they remain to this day ) and , after the end of the war , were constantly referred to by the military courts trying suspected Republicans .
5 We are also interested in the Central Wales Line , the Shrewsbury and Hereford Line and the Cambrian , particularly where they run through this area .
6 Although I concentrate in this chapter on sexual difference and on cultural and racial differences in the last chapter , it is worth remembering that in some contexts they interrelate .
7 ‘ But I felt less affection and respect for you when I said it then , than I do at this minute , when I ca n't honestly say it .
8 Never in her life had she felt less like eating than she did at this moment .
9 Just as many children score lower on a word-recognition reading test than they ought , because the words have no context of meaning , so she may be able to spell better than she demonstrates on this test .
10 I tell you , Dr. Briant , you 've unleashed a hell of a lot more than you realize with this project of yours .
11 But erm so you work through this lot .
12 Once you learnt in this way it was easily recalled .
13 It 's , it 's , it 's e once , once you get over this shock of , aargh I have n't got a number , oh what am I going to do , nothing to cling on to it 's all letters , ooh I ca n't do it , I ca n't do it .
14 Section 2(4) of the Act provides … any enactment passed or to be passed , other than one contained in this Part of this Act , shall be construed and have effect subject to the foregoing provisions of this section … "
15 ‘ We have a much higher profile abroad than we do in this country , ’ said Patrick .
16 Surely no civil servant had more unique or peaceful surroundings in which to work than we did on this day .
17 We should warn you that next March 12th another police constable will be on foot duty in Convent St. , and should he notice a repetition of your behaviour , we shall have to consider the possibility of taking even more stringent action than we have on this occasion .
18 Well , he 'll be tried by a higher court than we have in this life .
19 We 'll not be building any more than we intended for this year — well , a house or two more , maybe , but nothing beyond .
20 We were all starvin' , Chief , so we went to this canteen .
21 Both Susan and Father Martin have said that although they disagree on this issue , they can do so in love .
22 The debates will turn out to be less clear and clean than they seem in this outline .
23 Equally the nature of the various styles , high , middle and low , needs more elucidation than it gets in this book ( cf. pp. 70 – 71 ) if it is to form a central plank of the discussion of lexis .
24 Well it must get hotter than it does in this house for a start !
25 Before the right hon. Gentleman goes into overdrive , perhaps he will confirm that , in the past three months , industrial production has fallen faster in Germany , faster in France , faster in the United States and faster in Japan than it has in this country ; and that , if we take the last year as a whole , industrial production fell more in Japan , and more in Germany , than in the United Kingdom .
26 Had the house actually left the ground , he knew that he could n't have felt more strange than he did at this moment , or more afraid : there was someone here .
27 He 's head of er he 's senior editor of classics at E M I , so he latched onto this sort of , you know
28 Did er , if I go to this place
29 I 'll see what if we come up with anything with Trevor if I go over this weekend .
30 If I died on this hillside , I would not even know where or when the hillside was .
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