Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [verb] [pron] at all " in BNC.

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1 Although someone supervises me at all times , I handle all my cases myself .
2 Wing Commander the Duke of Hamilton replied : ‘ My instructions are to let it run its course as if I know nothing at all about it .
3 I make my living out of explaining things to a lot of dum-dums , and if I do it at all I expect to get paid . ’
4 Jenna began awkwardly , and he suddenly gave a shout of laughter , vaulting the fence and then reaching to lift her over as if she weighed nothing at all .
5 You 're lucky if you survive them at all . ’
6 Ah 's goin' on patrol now , jus ’ call fer Clyde if you needin' anythin' at all . ’
7 See which one you like the best or if you like them at all .
8 If you see one at all .
9 because if you force them at all , it does n't work .
10 Do n't stray from the line and shout if you find anything at all .
11 Beforehand they were tense and quiet , and no doubt very frightened if the truth were known , but on their return , if we saw them at all , they would be relaxed and only looking forward to bacon and eggs in the Mess — and then bed .
12 We fail so utterly to reward responsible married women that if we give anything at all to single mothers we appear to be placing a premium — ‘
13 In ordinary politics , however , we must treat integrity as an independent ideal if we accept it at all , because it can conflict with these other ideals .
14 We do n't see as much of you as we 'd like to ( if we see you at all ) .
15 I therefore decided to abandon what I had planned , because I felt that Faber 's too , despite their initial keenness , would now want another sort of book , if they wanted one at all .
16 To hell with it , I 'll go down fighting , it will break me on my terms if it breaks me at all .
17 By far the most intriguing announcement in Wales also carried a competitive element , even if it had nothing at all to do with slow bowlers .
18 If it meant anything at all it probably meant other people thought you were a bit like them .
19 If it meant anything at all , thought Henry , it was something along the lines of We have n't got a clue .
20 Still smiling from her thoughts , she placed her hands on his broad , muscular shoulders , feeling the strength of his hands lifting down her body as if it weighed nothing at all .
21 So , from the dominant parliamentary perspective the Left takes the British constitution for granted as a good thing , and from the insurrectionary perspective the Left sees the British constitution ( if it sees it at all ) as beyond the pale of reasoned consideration and change .
22 He said , ‘ If it reassures you at all , I 'm not Drugs Squad and I 'm not Special Branch .
23 But her gaze was beyond words ; even if he said nothing at all , she could read him with ease .
24 She did n't mind if he said nothing at all , as long as they could walk along like this under a starlit sky , arm in arm forever .
25 If he moves it at all — the elbow , that is — it wo n't set properly , and he 'll be no good at football , ever .
26 Indeed , she was starting to wonder — in a moment of forlornness that was unlike her — if anyone needed her at all .
27 ‘ You know as well as I that both Benedict and Araminta have every moral right to enjoy whatever she had , while I have none at all . ’
28 But even then , before I knew her at all , I sensed that normality was not really Karen 's thing .
29 Or whether you saw it at all .
30 I think on balance I mi I my advice is that we do nothing , just wait and see if whether he contacts you at all .
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