Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [verb] [pron] was the " in BNC.

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1 I would be lying to you if I said it was the same now .
2 Well what el what 's the other alternative for this VAT ? cos I mean it was the Tories who brought this VAT system into operation , I mean it 's wrong
3 as if she knew she was the topic of conversation Blossom turned her head and looked at him .
4 If she remembered he was the same man whom her son had once employed , there was no way of telling from the awed reception she gave him .
5 For example , if you use what was the dining room for a work room/study as well , you should either have a round table which can be piled with books when necessary , a table set off-centre , or a drop-leaf table that can be pulled out and set up in the centre of the room as required .
6 The unionists may say OK , but they would desert and rebel if they thought it was the beginning of a united Ireland . ’
7 During one meal I swat one off my arm and ask Tor if he knows what was the last thing that went through the mozzie 's mind .
8 ‘ I killed her in the field because I believed she was the devil . ’
9 I wanted to run it because I thought it was the only way we stood a chance .
10 Yes , I picked the Froggy because I think he was the most important player who 's LEFT Leeds United .
11 ‘ When I got back and found your note I did n't think for a minute that it was because you thought I was the father of the child .
12 She said she gave it to her daughter because she believed it was the only drug which could help alleviate her condition .
13 ‘ We were to view the corpse because we suspected it was the body of an imposter .
14 No brickbats for that , for neither of them did it out of a sense of malice , but merely because they thought it was the right thing to do , and no doubt also because they believed , quite wrongly , that to instil a sense of guilt into me would ultimately be for my good , If I did what they thought was wrong then I was made to feel that someone , usually them , had suffered .
15 Children would normally go to London when they ran away from home , because they thought it was the best place to go to get a job , and where they could sleep easily .
16 We have all come across women who had children by accident , because they thought it was the thing to do , or because they wanted to qualify for Council accommodation , and we have all come across women who expected someone else to do everything for them .
17 ‘ I went away and left him ’ , now even if they went , went away and left and , because they had to bring the children home , or if they went away and left him because they knew it was the best thing for everyone concerned , because the foreign office wants as many people , we all need as many people to get out of the area as possible ; their guilt will be huge .
18 Ella Pringle only let Luke into the Old Rectory because he said he was the Rector 's son .
19 Like any good manager Donald Wilson chose David Whitaker to story edit Doctor Who because he felt he was the best man for the job .
20 When I enquired what was the matter she said , ‘ I ca n't remember what my mummy looks like . ’
21 But as I say he was the most conscientious removal man and after two years when he came in he was so upset .
22 He would n't say what was n't working out , though I guess it was the sexual frustration and not being able to put a date on setting up home together .
23 Would it be fair to say that you accepted his decision when you thought it was the right decision , regardless of whether he may have been depressed or he may have been under the influence of drugs or some other pressure ?
24 When we won it was the biggest race .
25 But the story goes way off-beam when it says I was the guy started the shooting .
26 He put it in a nutshell when he said she was the sort of girl who , if there had been a meadow handy , would have been out there in a flash picking cowslips .
27 And he was embarrassed further when he realised he was the last to finish .
28 As it happened I was the first to reach the meeting place , and soon , four others turned up .
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